Brain Games

Does Your Brain Really Need Exercise?

Our brains are a part of everything we do, so keeping it in shape and cared for is essential. Exercising your brain is just as important as exercising the rest of your body! If you don’t continue to use and exercise your brain as you get older, it could start to affect you later on. Brain activities and games are a great way to improve and preserve your brain’s sharpness, memory, focus, and daily functionality.

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5 Awesome Fitness Influencers You Need to Follow!

Whether you’re already consistent with your exercise or you are just starting, it’s really helpful to have some sort of guide or influence to help you out. It was really helpful for me at the beginning of college, after playing sports my entire life, to get back into working out and being active in ways different than just playing sports. It helped to have those people that went through similar situations, to watch and guide me. Following fitness influencers is helpful because they post example work outs, step-by-step videos, tips, healthy meals, etc. to help you out. Check out these 5 influencers in the fitness industry to get some tips for your next workout!

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Fall Fitness Fun

Now that summer is over and the cold weather is quickly approaching, its a little more difficult to do some of the activities we typically enjoy doing in the warm months. But don’t you worry! Fall is a fantastic time to still get outside (and even inside!) and get active while enjoying the outdoors as much as you can before winter hits! Here are some tips and tricks to stay active and feel good during the fall:

Enjoy the Fall Colors

Nature in the fall is full of tons of colors and beauty! So why not get outside while you can to enjoy it? Fall is not too hot, not too cold, but just right! Exercising outside feels like a lot less work, especially if you’re doing something you like to do. Look into trails nearby to enjoy a hike, bike ride, or a run. Even apple picking or pumpkin harvesting is a great way to enjoy everything fall has to offer, get moving, and have some fall fun.

Layer Up!

With the changes in seasons comes a change in climate. Going from summer to fall is sometimes quite the temperature difference, so its important to remember to dress for the weather when you’re going outside. Wearing at least a couple layers is important to keep your body from losing heat. Keep this in mind as you plan outdoor activities, and make sure to invest in breathable, moisture-wicking clothes. Although you might feel a bit chilly at first, your body will quickly warm up once your blood starts pumping so you don’t want to wear to many layers either. For those cold morning or evening runs, a hat will help keep your head warm where you lose the most heat.

Home Workouts

If the great outdoors aren’t really your thing or for days you just want a quick, effective workout, home workouts are something you should really consider. There are tons of great ways to get active in your own home for little to nothing and they’re super effective too! Using your resources online is a easy, great way to get some exercise in. There are a wide variety of exercise videos available for free online. The best places to find some good, free video resources are YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest or even streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, or Sling. Here you can find thousands of different types of exercise videos to follow along with whether it be yoga, strength training, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), Zumba, core workouts, cardio, etc. Whatever you have in mind or would like the target, it can most likely be found online. The great advantage to using online exercise videos is they are short, sweet and to the point, not to mention free. Exercise videos are an easy way to get a good workout in without it consuming your time.

Another great way to make it convenient and easy to get some exercise in, is to make your own gym at home. Although it is a bit more expensive, buying some exercise equipment such as dumbbells, resistance bands, yoga mats, medicine balls or anything else you like to exercise with, can make a little fitness center in your own home. Having these resources available to you makes for an easily accessible way to exercise and a more versatile workout selection, not to mention working out at home is a lot easier to fit into your schedule because you can do it whenever!

Gym Workouts

And last but not least, go and workout at the gym! Since the weather is getting colder, and the days shorter, its nice to be able to just go to your local fitness center and have anything and everything fitness related available to you at the tip of your fingers. To make the most out of your time at the gym, don’t just do the same machines each time you go, but take advantage of all the things your gym may have to offer:

  • Swimming: Swimming is one of the best activities for your body. It’s such a great no impact activity and perfect for a complete, whole body workout.
  • Fitness classes: Getting active with a whole group of people who have the same goal as you do can give you a whole new kind of energy that you may not get when you’re exercising by yourself. 
  • Workout buddy: If you feel intimidated or don’t like working out by yourself, maybe ask a friend to work out with you. You’ll both benefit because you’re exercising and having someone else there motivates you to to show up.
  • Keep it interesting: If you tend to gravitate to certain cardio machines, you can always change things up with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), which is a great way to burn calories and get in shape fast. Or maybe even try lifting if you usually just do cardio or try cardio if you usually just lift!

The fall months are a great time to get moving because there are so many different options that aren’t always as available other times in the year. SO use these tips and tricks to have a happy, healthy fall and feel good!

5 Healthy Reasons to Get Excited for Fall!

Happy Fall Y’all! Because it is October 1st, I think it’s definitely necessary to talk about fall and all of the great things about this fabulous season! The fall colors, pumpkin patches, scary movies, Halloween, apples, flannels, sweaters, fall candles, apple cider donuts… I could go on and on! But, the transition to shorter and busier days of fall can be a challenge on not just your schedule, but your health. To help ease the change of seasons, I’m here to give you some tips to get you ready for the colder months to come and keep your mental and physical health in check. Here are 5 Healthy Reasons to Get Excited for Fall!

1. An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

That old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” has a lot of truth to it. Apples are truly one of nature’s best diet foods and they have a ton of nutritional benefits to them as well. They fill you up for only around 100 calories, and they’re packed with cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C. There are TONS of different types to choose from to find the perfect flavor for your taste, not to mention they’re absolutely delicious! A food that tastes great and is great for you? Can’t pass that up!

Visit an apple orchard this fall and spend an afternoon picking your own supply. You’ll have fun while seeing where your food comes from and supporting a local orchard.

2. Early to Bed Early to Rise…

You know what they say..”early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise!” This is kind of, in a way, true! Sleep is one of the most important things for our body. With the changes in when the sun rises and sets, it can sometimes mess with our schedules. But, when you get the recommended 8-9 hours of sleep, your body functions so much better and you can get a ton more done with your day when you’re fully rested, not to mention you’ll feel so much better!

Getting enough sleep is one best things you can do for your health, so take this opportunity to stick with a bedtime schedule that’s right for your body’s needs. For a good night’s rest, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day (even on weekends) and skipping snacks and exercise at least one hour before bedtime. With a full nights rest you’ll feel great and have a ton more energy to enjoy everything the fall season has to offer!

3. Cooler (But Not Too Cold) Temps!

Cooler fall temperatures means it’s time to break out the sweaters, boots, and jackets! But, it’s also a great time to enjoy the outdoors without getting really hot. Researchers suggest doing physical activity outdoors like hiking some trails, biking, going for a run, or even just raking some leaves, relieves more stress and boosts energy levels better than sweating inside the gym. Fall is the perfect time to attempt activities that may have been too taxing in the hot conditions of summer. It’s a lot more pretty outside than inside a gym anyways, so you might as well enjoy the fall colors while they last!

4. Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

The fall season is prime time for some amazing fruits and veggies. Foods like broccoli, apples, cabbage, eggplant, kale, pumpkin, squash, and dark leafy greens are all in season during the fall and are packed full of tons of nutritional benefits. Incorporating these foods into your meals and trying new recipes during this season is a great way to eat healthy all while giving your body the nutrients it needs.

Not only fruits and veggies, but spices too! Fall is the season for some great spices, such as cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, cloves and of course pumpkin spice! These spices and scents are all staple scents of fall, and they offer plenty of health benefits to add to your diet this fall. So, sprinkle some cinnamon or nutmeg on your coffee or bake some into your next meal to make the most of these seasonal spices.

5. Take Care of Yourself

The short days, sicknesses everywhere, and colder weather of fall can sometimes make it hard to keep your health in check. SO here’s a short list of things to keep in mind to make your health a top priority this season:

  • Take some time for yourself – Shorter days in the fall and winter is Earth’s way of telling us to slow down and take a breather.
  • Get your flu shot and yearly check-up – Self explanatory! No one likes getting sick.
  • Stay active – It can be easy to just sit around all the time when the weather gets colder, but it’s important to get in some physical activity in throughout the day. Even raking some leaves counts!
  • Boost your immune system – ‘Tis the season for getting sick! Boosting your immune system can help with this by drinking plenty of water, washing your hands a lot, and eating mostly nutritious foods.
  • As I mentioned before – Gets lots of sleep!
  • Stay warm! – Dress for the weather and always make sure to wear (or at least always bring along) layers to protect your body from the changing temperatures.
  • (And last) Take care of yourself!!! – The holiday season is full of eating too much yummy food, shorter days that sometimes cause low motivation, and the flu season. Listen to your body and give it what it needs.

Thanks for reading and hopefully some of these tips and tricks help you make the most of the season! Happy fall!