Walk This Way

Happy Saturday!

I’ll start off this post by saying, I live in Wisconsin. It is the middle of February and it is currently 60 degrees outside. If you are from the Midwest, you know this is not usual for Wisconsin in the beginning of the year. I am just getting over having the flu, which was the worst week of my life so far, and I needed to get outside and do something on this gorgeous day.

I wanted to go for a run, but I am not sure when I should re-introduce it into my routine. After all I am still sick, and I definitely do NOT want to prolong it. So I did the next best thing…went on a walk.

Walking is low intensity, but a great fat burning exercise. It is easy on your joints and gets your endorphin pumping the same way running, or other exercises would. If you get outside and do at least 30 minutes of walking every day, great health benefits come with it.

Walking for 30 minutes each day will: Improve circulation by strengthening your heart, help you lose weight (by improving your heart circulation and increase you metabolism), loosen stiff joints, and will make you happy.

You will only regret the workouts you do NOT do! No matter what kinds of exercises you do, or what level you are at, you are lapping everyone on the couch. As cliche as that is, it still holds true. Trust me, your body (and probably your dog) will thank you. So what are you waiting for? Wherever you are located on this planet, get outside and go on a walk!

Resource: http://womensrunning.competitor.com/2016/10/health-wellness/benefits-walking-30-minutes-every-day_66812#oYWYTqXvcMWjXqfR.97


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