The Khajiit
In light of the fact that the next chapter of ESO is Elsweyr, I would like to explain a little bit about its inhabitants, the “Khajiit.” The Khajiit are a race of felines that are born into different forms depending on what point their lunar cycle is currently in. Their lunar cycle is based off of two moons, Secunda and Masser. The moons are also know and Jone and Jode in Aldmeri lore. The most common type of the Khajiit seen in the games is the “Suthay-raht.” The Suthay-raht are bipedal Khajiit that the players usually play as in the Elder scrolls series. A similar type of Khajiit is the “Ohmes.” The Ohmes are very similar in appearance to the Bosmer, (Wood Elves), and are often mistook for them. Ohmes often tattoo their faces to be more feline to fit in with their brethren and to not be mistaken as an elf or human. Ohmes and Suthay-raht are the most common type of Khajjit seen outside of Elsweyr, seeing as their the closet of their kind to humans and elves. Another type of Khajiit similar to these too are the “Cathay-raht.” The Cathay-raht are also known as “Jaguar Men.” They are large humanoid Khajiit that are more agile than werewolves. Cathay-raht are said to tower up to the same height as werewolves as well, but there are few ever seen outside of Elsweyr, so little is still known about them. That about covers most of the known humanoid Khajiit. There are more humanoid Khajiit but since they are rarley seen outside of Elsweyr little to nothing is known about the others. BUT WAIT THERES MORE! Khajiit can also be born into the form of different, non-humanoid, beasts like the “Senche-raht.” The Senche-raht are also known as “battle cats.” These Khajiit are on all fours and can grow to be the size of a mammoth. These Khajiit are usually employed as steeds in battle or to help transport heavy cargo or equipment. Another quadrupedal Khajiit type is the “Alfiq.” Alfiq are often described as the common house cat, but that would be wrong. They make look like a normal cat, but they posses the intelligence of any other Khajiit, if not more. They can not physically speak, but they have the ability to read and write. The look of a common household cat makes them the perfect spies. Anyone would be labeled insane if they tried to blame a normal cat for espionage right?
All these different forms reoccur on the lunar cycle, but there is one more form that is special, “The Mane.” The Mane is the spiritual leader of the Khajiit. There can only be a single mane in existence at once. The Khajiit believe the Mane’s soul has been reincarnated several times through multiple bodies. Since the soul was able to find its way back, he/she might be able to assist others in doing so.
The Khajiit are creatures of action. They learn more by doing, than reading. Khajiit are often trained or hired as assassins and thieves, given their dexterity and stealthy habits. Due to their stealthy reputation, they are often persecuted by other races. The Khajiit also have a history of drug trading, specifically “Skooma.” Skooma is made from refined moon sugar and is comparable to crack or a super sugar rush. The Skooma addictions became so bad across Tamriel that it has been outlawed in several territories. The Khajiit were also one of the first races to have a diplomatic system in place. By the beginning of the first era, Elsweyr had been separated into 16 kingdoms, each living at peace with one another. The kingdoms cooperated with each other and compensated for the others weaknesses. It was a thriving nation of trust among fellow Khajiit. This strong civil community struck fear into outside invaders, for if they attempted to invade, all of Elsweyr would rise up together and slaughter them. Sadly around the end of the first era a massive and deadly plague hit Elsweyr and reduced those 16 kingdoms into 2. One kingdom dwells in the desert and raises warriors, while the other lies to the south and and has become a popular trading port with the outside world. The two kingdoms where at war until the second era where a diplomatic marriage was held that unified the two kingdoms. The unity of the two kingdoms lead to the name of the country “Elsweyr.” The country was named after a old Khajiit proverb. “A perfect society is always found elsewhere.”
There is much more to the Khajiit’s story but I think this is enough to build a general idea of who they are. For more info check out this video created by the Shoddycast.