Interview With Professional Dog Lovers
Coming up with ideas and content for my blog can be very tough sometimes because it is often difficult to be creative, but also relatable. So I figured I could incorporate one of my favorite things to do, talking about dogs, and create content out of it. So for the next few weeks, I will be conducting interviews with family and friends discussing some of their favorite things about their dogs. I will be posting one interview per week, hopefully making my content not too repetitive.
The first “interviewee” is my roommate Allyssa Gilmore, who is a senior at UWW and has always been an avid dog lover.

Question 1: What kind of dog do you have? What is their name? How old are they?
Allyssa’s answer: My family has a Black Lab, who is mixed with a bit of Weimaraner. Our family’s dog’s name is Winchester and he just turned 2 years old this past June. His birthday is June 19th, 2017.
Question 2: When and where did you get your dog, and how old were you?
Allyssa’s answer: My family got Winchester from a place called JR’s Pups-N-Stuff, which is a Wisconsin based rescue for animals in life threatening situations. We went through a long adoption process in the summer of 2017, and finally got to bring Winchester home on August 20, 2017. He was only 8 weeks old and still learning how to be a puppy.
Question 3: What makes your dog so lovable?
Allyssa’s answer: There are so many reasons our family loves Winchester. We have been fortunate to watch him grow up since he was only a few weeks old, so we have loved watching him learn how to be a dog. Due to where he came from as a puppy, he has a bit of anxiety which makes him afraid to walk on hardwood floors, super cuddly, and super needy. Winchester liked to think he is a lap dog, but when he attempts to sit on your lap, there is no way you can move because he is so big. He loves giving kisses and loves to beg for whatever food you are eating in front of him.
Question 4: What are some of your favorite things to do with your dog? What are their favorite toys?
Allyssa’s answer: Some of our family’s favorite things to do with Winchester are to take him on walks, play tug-a-war, cuddle, and give him cheese. Winchester loves any toy put in front of him and will also make anything he finds a toy such as shoes and the tv remote.
Question 5: Do you have any advice for other dog owners or future dog owners?
Allyssa’s answer: Advice I would give to future dog owners would be to treat your dog like another family member, not a pet. Dogs will give you unconditional love no matter what may be going on in life, so cherish everything about them and spend as much time as you can with them. You are their whole life.