How to Gear up for Shadowlands

Most players who have been around for the last few patches of the Battle for Azeroth expansion already have a geared up character/characters, but for those of you who are new or returning players this might be helpful. Today I have a list of different gearing methods and how to reach your goal.

By now a lot of us have already geared up a character or two in order to skip a small portion of the gearing process of shadowlands. Some of us, however, might want to level an alt in shadowlands, not know what they want to play, are a returning player, or simply don’t know where to start in the gearing process. Here’s a small list to get you started.

  • Open up Nazjatar as this will award players with an Item level 370 Weapon of their choice as well as a few 400-ish Item level Azerite pieces.
  • Next up is the legendary cloak “Ashjra’Kamas”. The cloak questline is do-able by all players from fresh 120 to Mythic raider 120. This questline takes roughly 2 hours depending on your class and will reward you with a legendary 470 Item level cloak.
  • Dailies will award you the “Coalescing Visions” currency which will allow you to run a Horrific Vision. The questline with Wrathion will see you through a large amount of these visions and by doing them you will incrementally upgrade your cloak from 470 to 500 Item level.
  • With patch 8.3’s Item Level buff, mythic 0 dungeons drop a base Item level of 430’s which you can run each dungeon once per week at this level. Do this for every dungeon and you should be roughly overall 430 Item level which will allow you to run higher level mythics that can be run more than once a week to grind out your gear level.
  • Once you have obtained an Item level that is roughly 450, you should then be able to start queuing for raids. These are very long and arduous but in order to hit the maximum Item level of 480, you have to complete mythic level N’zoth.
  • At 450, start queuing for Normal raids to get the 455 item level drops, and then Heroics for the 460 item level drops and then finally mythic raids will then drop 470 item level pieces.


After following this step-by-step run through of how to get gear you should be able to go from a fresh 120 character around 350 item level to a character around 450 item level in just a few days!

(As a side-note. with the level squish happening soon, everything will be cute to about 40% -50% of what it currently is. Therefore the higher Item level you are before this happens, the higher item level your gear will be post-squish and therefore when shadowlands does drop, you might be able to skip the first few questlines of gear as your current gear will be relatively high even after the squish.)

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