Home Finds, Kitchen Finds

Reusable Food Storage Bags

This week’s find comes in a variety of different shapes and colors and sizes. It is not a specific product I am linking today, but a couple different options!

I absolutely love this idea because it is way better for the environment than using Ziploc bags. There are even some out there that can transform into containers that you can microwave! I feel like these bags can be used by anybody.

I can think of many different uses for these bags. Whether it be taking snacks on the go, storing fruits and vegetables, or leftovers. Another benefit would be saving space in the fridge. A thin bag would take up a lot less space than Tupperware bowls.

There are so many different types of reusable storage bags out there so it would be impossible to link them all. Here are some great options! 1) https://foodbunker.io/products/set-of-3-small-medium-large?gclid=Cj0KCQiAv6yCBhCLARIsABqJTjZ2c53AKTZDOvLKAv7WozpO_cOSkliXf-P-XgKEOUCkNDiXPLlMLBoaAsZWEALw_wcB 2) https://www.amazon.com/Reusable-Storage-Bags-Leakproof-Sandwich/dp/B07WCV3795 3) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TXJY17D/ref=nav_timeline_asin?_encoding=UTF8&th=1

2 thoughts on “Reusable Food Storage Bags”

  1. I have always loved the idea of using reusable food storage bags. It is so much better for the environment and really makes things feel fresher. I think its really smart that you added a link to the reusable bags if anyone wanted to go look at them!

  2. I love reusable items to save the planet! I think this is a great idea for your blog and is beneficial to inform your audience on how to help our Earth. I am excited to see what more cool finds you have to tell us.

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