College social life during Covid-19
As college students, one of everyone’s favorite parts of college is making memories with their friends (and drinking). But how are we supposed to do that when everyone says being with your friends is dangerous. It’s hard to feel like you are doing the right thing when some people tell you to just go out and live your life while some people tell you to stay home and do not see anyone. I personally believe it should be up to everyone individually, depending on their situation. I understand some people may not agree with this but at this point, who really knows whats right and wrong anymore. I think that if you want to go out, and you are not coming in contact with family or friends who are high risk you can do it, if you want to! Or if you have to go home and some of your family is at higher risk or is uncomfortable with you going out, stay in for two weeks before you go home. If you are often in contact with those who are at a higher risk, it is probably a better idea to stay home and limit your interactions with other.