Performing Mental Reps With Physical Reps

Is thinking to much during a lift a bad thing? This has been a common debate for a long time and while once side would love to prove the other wrong there really isn’t a “best” answer. Instead I would view this as you SHOULD be thinking during a lift but only when it makes…

7 Tips to Healthier Eating Habits

Living the college lifestyle it is extremely easy to become accustomed to the frozen pizza and ramen diet. It’s cheap, easy, convenient, and serves its purpose. However, the purpose it is not serving is fueling your body with what it needs to power it through your day. Eating healthier does not mean restricting yourself to…

Supplements: Whether They Are Worth It Or Not For a Broke College Student

You finish a workout, drink some water and immediately pound a protein shake. Seems like something we all do right? What if I were to tell you pounding protein shakes multiple times a day and taking supplements you can’t even pronounce the ingredients of isn’t needed? Supplements are a fantastic tool for helping you reach…

Taking the Step to Meal Prep

“Hi, can I have a number 5 with a large diet coke?” This is something we can often find ourselves saying when we forget to pack a lunch for the school or workday. Fast food is a simple resort for when we don’t want to put the time, effort, or money into cooking. However, what…

Creating & Setting A Fitness Program As a College Student

You walk into the gym motivated, excited, pump cover on and all and as soon as you get ready to start your workout you have what we call the “lifters crisis”. This is not knowing what workout(s) to do at the gym and instead, you end up either walking on the treadmill googling workout plans…