For this weeks blog, I really wanted to talk to you all about different ways you can be kinder to yourself. This is something I know we all have struggled with, I know for me personally, self love has been one of my largest difficulties for my entire life.
Throughout my life, I was constantly picked on. While I had a great family, and a small, but solid close group of friends, I still found myself being identified as an outcast, mostly for the way that I looked or because of the things I was interested in. When you are made to feel like you don’t fit in for being yourself, it becomes so difficult to be comfortable within your own skin.

However, as I’ve grown up, I am honestly proud to say that self love is something I’ve come to incorporate within my everyday life. When you learn to not care what others think of you, life becomes a lot more pleasant. Something I constantly remind myself is to remember who’s in your corner. The people who love you for who you are the ones that you need to keep around. These are the people that encourage you to succeed, and hold you to a higher standard. You will not need to try to be a certain someone with these people, and can be your complete self.
Another thing that I like to incorporate within my day is to make sure and give at least 3 compliments a day. It’s been said by many that when you give love, you receive love. Personally, I feel more happier when I am making others happy, because it gives me more of a purpose. It almost is like when you give someone a gift on Christmas and you can’t wait for them to open it because of how excited you are for them.
The final thing that I think is great for self love is to be your own personal hype man/ hype woman! Work on giving yourself compliments, whether you’re writing it down or saying it out loud in the mirror! Something my younger sister and I do is write sticky notes and put them on our bedroom mirrors so we can read them when we get ready for the day or for bed. The point is, when you speak it into existence, you really start to believe it. It is so important to remember that you are wonderful and unique in this world, because there really is no one like you!

I really truly hope this helps you all in some way, whether it’s being kinder to yourself or the others around you, because you never know who really needs just a little extra love. It can go such a long way!