Hi everyone! I am so excited to be posting my first blog, Balancing Act, because well, life is all about balance and it isn’t always easy! My name is Gabriella and I am currently a senior studying advertising and public relations at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
You may be wondering why an advertising major is launching a blog about yoga, and that’s because I actually have been practicing yoga for a little over a year now! I have fallen completely in love with the entire lifestyle surrounding it and am so beyond grateful to have found such an amazing way to better myself.
About two years ago I suffered a very unexpected loss of my grandmother a week before my first semester final exams my sophomore year. I was also dealing with a lot of personal issues amongst my friend group. On top of trying to grieve, attempting to mend friendships, and pass my exams, I began to come very unhappy with myself and with the world in general. Life seemed as if it was traveling at a pace I couldn’t keep up with, and I found myself trapped in my dark bedroom everyday, hating the way I looked and the way I was. My mind went to a very dark place and I barely could even recognize myself. I knew something needed to change and got the help I needed by seeing a counselor and my physician. They recommended I try exercising more, whether it be a full lifting routine, or just walking a few minutes each day. That is where I began doing research. I wanted something that would not only help me physically, but emotionally as well. I craved a more positive lifestyle and a peaceful mind. That is how I found yoga.
I like to share my story because I think people need to know yoga is so much more than how flexible you are or how long you can hold a pose. You don’t need to be advanced in order to enjoy yoga. I have been practicing for over a year now and I still would consider myself a beginner in certain aspects, and hey that’s perfectly okay! I hope each week you find these posts not just helpful, but inspiring! Don’t be afraid to give it a try and step out of your comfort zone, this is something that can stay with you forever!
Photo found on Pinterest