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Mindset Analysis

Mindset is defined as “the establishes set of attitudes held by someone.”

Over the past few months I’ve come to realize that mindset plays a very large roll in the outcomes of every day decision and in turn the route on which life decides to take us.

Every day in business and at home we encounter issues and scenarios where we have to make decisions and choose how to react. Understanding that the way that we look at obstacles and inconveniences can dictate and prevent life from dragging us behind is crucial in leading our best life. .

How can I realize the power of mindset and harness it to work in my favor?

1. What are your options? How many different paths can you take? Which ones serve you and which ones do not?

Evaluate your options of how the situation can be dealt with and where each choice will take you.

2. Will failure or disappointing outcomes of the current situations cause harm? Are the results going to be temporary or long lasting?

Deciding the importance of an issue and determining the true gravity, and not what you feel the gravity is, can provide perspective and cut off the blood flow to emotions that no longer serve our purpose or our lives.

3. Is this an issue that can be delegated to someone with better perspective?

Is this an issue you need to deal with? Does the issue belong to you? Are you carrying someone else’s weight?

Determining whether the issue is yours to handle can save time and lots of wasted energy. Taking on the issues of others will not help anyone and only cause self destructive behavior. Love yourself and understand the world is not your weight to bare.

Utilizing these check points can help us evaluate our stressors and give them the time and energy that is deserved. Understanding that perspective and view can be changed by stepping one foot in any direction… can change your whole life.


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