Happy Thanksgiving coffee lovers. I am very tired this week and have no desire to post anything. But because this is for class credit I am going to post something anyway. So let’s talk about coffee mugs.
There are all sorts of coffee mugs: ceramic, glass, stainless steel, Stonewear, classic, travel. The list goes on and on. I mean seriously, check out the links below, the first website lists ten, the second lists twenty two different mugs. Who knew?
10 Different Types of Coffee Cups & Mugs (with Pictures)
22 Different Types of Coffee Cups
Now as much as I consider myself a coffee enthusiast I had no idea that there were so many different types of coffee mugs. Personally, I always choose a mug because I think it is cute and or fun. Or simply because it has something that I like about it. I mean my favorite coffee mug that is my Mickey Mouse coffee mug. It has sketches of Mickey and Pluto all over it!

Travel Mugs!

Now when it comes to mugs I don’t really have a preference if it’s cute or Disney it most likely will end up in my cabinet. But when It comes to travel mugs I am a little more on the picky side. I really like to have nice travel mugs because One I like for my coffee to stay warm and two I don’t like for my coffee to leak. Now I realize this is probably basic criteria, but I have bought travel mugs before that have leaked, all over my car. Not a fun time. That’s why I personally use Contigo coffee mugs. I have actually introduced to the coffee mug a couple years ago, and honestly, out of all the coffee mugs I own it is the best, I have a 45-minute commute to and from school and it keeps my coffee warm for the whole ride there. I highly recommend this kind of mug. You can actually get them off of Amazon for a decent price!
Overall when I think about it I honestly have too many mugs, I have tall mugs, short mugs, cute mugs, Christmas mugs. But what can I say? I think they are fun and very practical especially if you drink coffee every day like me! Well, that’s all for now. Do you have a favorite mug or travel mug brand you like? Leave a comment below if you do!
November 30, 2020 at 4:14 am
As a simple answer to your question: yes, I do have a favorite coffee mug! It’s a ceramic mug from Grand Teton National Park. I remember the exact gift shop I bought it at, and I always find myself reaching for it up in the cabinet most mornings before I make my coffee. Thanks for sharing!
November 30, 2020 at 4:33 am
I usually go for mugs too!
November 30, 2020 at 4:26 pm
I do, it’s one of those travel mugs for iced coffee with the straw. I use it for everything like smoothies, root beer floats, coffee, you name it! It keeps my drinks cold for hours. I kid you not. But I have had a bad spending habit lately.
December 1, 2020 at 2:46 pm
I do not have a favorite coffee mug! As a matter of fact, I need a new coffee maker so I can start having coffee at home again. I have just been going to local coffee shops and buying coffee.
December 1, 2020 at 8:25 pm
I use the same coffee mug every day. I got it in Moab Utah last summer on a road trip and have used it every day since!
December 2, 2020 at 1:09 am
Interesting topic for a blog! I never thought about how many different mug types there are, so yea I guess id say my favorite kind is just the basic every day cup. Cool read though.
December 8, 2020 at 5:08 am
Prior to reading this post I never put too much thought into how many different types of mugs there are available on the market. I personally have a favorite mug that I reach for over and over again. It’s a tall ceramic cup that features a scene from the movie Up, and brings me joy every time I use it.