Tag: nutrition

From Jessica to Daisy (Dukes of Hazzard Workout)

From Jessica to Daisy (Dukes of Hazzard Workout)

The phrase ‘hard work pays off’ has to be one of the most spot on phrases when it comes to the fitness world. Working hard, eating right and getting enough sleep every day does the body wonders. Go ahead and listen to all of the 

Peanut Butter Lover

Peanut Butter Lover

Sunday is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day, a day where all peanut butter lovers can get together and laud the magnificent substance, or just eat a peanut butter sandwich.  But since this holiday is quickly approaching, I decided to go over why everyone (who isn’t 

The 300 Workout

The 300 Workout

Pic for BlogWhenever I watch a movie like 300 I always think of how much work the actors must have put in to have the bodies that they have.  I wonder not only about the countless hours in the gym they must put in, but also the absolutely insane diets that these people must go on, and how hard it must be both physically and mentally. I did some research to try and find out what exactly it takes to look like the gods in 300.

Each ‘Spartan’ had to workout 5 days a week in order to train for their dreaded ‘300’ workout, which got its name for the intense 300 reps that is done during it. Before they were even able to do this workout, though, they worked on several different circuits, volume training and cardio for 90 minutes to 2 hours on the days they worked out. They also had to do fight training for another 4 to 6 hours!

Here is what the ‘300’ workout consists of with no scheduled rest between each set.

Pullups – 25 reps

Barbell Deadlifts with 135 lbs. – 50 reps

Pushups – 50 reps

24-inch Box Jumps – 50 reps

Floor Wipers – 50 reps

Single-Arm Clean-and-Press with 36 lb Kettlebell – 50 reps

Pullups – 25 reps

Now before the actors were allowed to do this intense of a workout, they had to first train for months in order to be able to be physically fit enough to do so. They were on strict diets, were only allowed to eat a majority of their food immediately after working out, and were only given enough to recover from their workouts. Just to give an idea of how hard the ‘300’ workout was, only about half of the actors were able to partake in the workout, and the fastest time the workout was done in was 18 minutes and 11 seconds.

It is highly recommended that unless you have been training for something like this, you do not attempt to do it. If you are not in good enough shape, you can get seriously hurt. Start off slower and do one of the more intermediate or beginner versions of the workout that can be found here.

It is always important to remember how absolutely dedicated you have to be if you were ever look the way that these people do. You literally have to make it your job and life in order to look like a Spartan or even a supermodel for that matter. I feel like a lot of people don’t realize how much work people put into looking that way, and are harder on their selves because of it. It’s always great to have goal and nothing is impossible, but you have to have a realistic approach to them as well.

“Yesterday you said tomorrow.”

– Eric Hess

Inside > Outside

Inside > Outside

After a lot of thinking, which was probably sparked by the hours of Grey’s Anatomy I’ve been watching on Netflix lately, I have been wondering how an average college students’ lifestyle affects the body. This time, though, I am not going to blog on the