Tag: health

From Jessica to Daisy (Dukes of Hazzard Workout)

From Jessica to Daisy (Dukes of Hazzard Workout)

The phrase ‘hard work pays off’ has to be one of the most spot on phrases when it comes to the fitness world. Working hard, eating right and getting enough sleep every day does the body wonders. Go ahead and listen to all of the 

Let’s Talk Choc!

Let’s Talk Choc!

It’s the 16th hour of Day 26. 14 Days remaining. Life lacks meaning and joy and is instead a cold harsh expedition. This is the log of my days without the one thing that I lose all willpower when it comes to its magnificent and 



Pic for Blog- AIRobics.pngLately I’ve been looking for a new and exciting way to spice up my workouts. The summertime is overwhelming with activities to try, but in the winter it’s a little bit more difficult to find creative workouts. I stumbled across this indoor trampoline park, called Helium, online a few weeks ago and I knew imediately I wanted in. In all honesty, Helium is geared more so for young kids, but it sounded like so much fun I couldn’t resist.

When I entered the park I was handed a pair of grip socks to wear around to prevent as much sliding and slipping as possible. They cost $2, but you get to keep them forever as a souvenir, so that’s pretty cool. Helium has many options of activities to try, such as rock climbing, casual jumping, trampoline dodgeball, and AIRobics. From the title of this blog, I’m guessing you know which one I chose.

AIRobics. According to Helium’s website, AIRobics is a one hour cardio and strength training class that combines, “calisthenics, core exercises and aerobics.” We started the class with 30 minutes of cardio on the trampolines. This included jumping jacks, frog jumps, starfish jumps, high knees, and many other jumps. Each task was in one-minute intervals, so it kept the class moving at a fast pace.  After 30 minutes of cardio we moved onto strength training and abs. We did many different types of moves such as push-ups, planks, leg lifts, and overhand ball tosses. By the end of the hour, well to be honest after about 10 minutes, I was feeling the burn. Doing things that may seem simple on the ground becomes 10x harder on trampolines. It triggers your muscles to work extra hard while trying to maintain balance.

The website states that AIRobics can benefit you by the following:

  • Improves balance and coordination
  • Burn 60% more calories than running
  • Excellent cardio – low impact, easy on joints
  • Ideal for any fitness level

I also had a chance to talk a little to the regulars who came to the class to see what their opinion was. It turns out long term wise, the class may be able to improve lost flexibiltiy due to an accident or surgery. One man lost almost all his mobility in his shoulder at one point, but after a year of AIRobics he said that there was a huge improvement in his joint movement. The class instructor  got started with AIRobics after she had knee surgery from tearing her acl. To get back in the game and over fear of intense excersize, AIRobics helped her ease into regaining her strength.

It cost $10 per class, or $80 for ten classes. Whether you are looking for a fun, intense workout or muscle strength recovery, AIRobics could be just what you need! I went to the Helium Trampoline Park in New Berlin, but there are many locations!

For more info please check out their website.


Stay Healthy. Stay Strong.

Mary Marren

Peanut Butter Lover

Peanut Butter Lover

Sunday is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day, a day where all peanut butter lovers can get together and laud the magnificent substance, or just eat a peanut butter sandwich.  But since this holiday is quickly approaching, I decided to go over why everyone (who isn’t