Tag: fitness

Celebrity Workouts To Try

Celebrity Workouts To Try

We all look up to our favorite “fit” celebrities and want to look like them. From big guys like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, or shredded women like Jillian Michaels or Maria Menounos. But there a lot of celebrities that get overlooked for the shape they 

In-Depth Answers To Fitness Quiz

In-Depth Answers To Fitness Quiz

On our Facebook page “Warhawk Fitness”, we recently published a quiz to help you find out if you are ready and have a lifestyle suitable for beginning a workout plan. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, you can head over to our Facebook page 

Fitness Quiz

Fitness Quiz

Fitness Quiz imageIf you are new to the gym or are just beginning to get into exercising, first off congratulations! You are one step closer to a happier and healthier you! Something you need to check is if you are prepared to start this. So take the short quiz below to answer the question: “Are you ready to workout?” and see if you are ready to step in the gym right now, or need to take a minute and change some things beforehand.


1)  What should you plan on doing before going to the gym?

  • A) Nothing, I just gotta go there
  • B) Do whatever my friends are doing there that day
  • C) Have a general idea, but really decide when I get there
  • D) Have a detailed plan and schedule for my workout beforehand


2)  How long do you stretch and what do you stretch before exercise?

  • A) Stretch? I’m fine I don’t need to
  • B) I jog before hand, my warmup stretches me out
  • C) For about 5 minutes on the muscles I’ll be using
  • D) 5 to 15 minutes before and after, stretching the majority of my body


3)  What is proper exercise attire?

  • A)Tuxedo and Bowtie (If I wanna look like James Bond, I should dress like him, right?)
  • B) Just my regular clothes, jeans and tee shirt
  • C) I have a shorts and shirt combo from a random clothing store with some old tennis shoes
  • D)Good fitting and breathable Shirt and pants/shorts, and comfortable gym shoes


4)  What kind of diet do you have?

  • A) I just eat whatever I want, usually chocolate or whatever is sugary
  • C) I eat pretty good, I don’t count proteins or carbs or anything, but I keep it to three meals a day
  • D) I typically monitor my calories well and drink plenty of water


5) How much water do you drink a day?

  • A) None, I drink soda and chocolate milk
  • B) Like 2 cups and maybe Orange juice for breakfast
  • C) About 4 cups
  • D) I try to get 8 cups a day


6)  Have you consulted your doctor or physician to ensure you are physically ready?

  • A) I don’t see a doctor
  • B) I have, but not recently
  • C) I have, but not on this topic
  • D) I have been and am cleared to workout


7) How much sleep am I getting?

  • A) Little to none, I can’t really get more than a few hours
  • B) About 5 hours a night during the week and 3 hours on weekends
  • C) I get about 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night
  • D) 8+ Hours most nights


Now add up your score! For every answer:

A = 1 point

B = 2 points

C = 3 points

D = 4 points


Here is what your totals mean:


7 points to 14 points – The Newbie: Don’t worry about having a lower score! Everyone starts here! I would suggest doing some personal research on workouts you’d like to do, proper attire and diet, as well as how to obtain your goals for health and fitness. For more help, try booking a session with a Warhawk Fitness Personal Trainer. All you have to do is stop down in Room 100 (in the Williams Center) and ask about our stellar Personal Trainers.

15 points to 19 points – Average Joe: You’re on the right track, right on! You have some adjustments that need attention, but you have the intention of getting better with your health­, and that’s important!

20 points to 24 points – In Training: Looks like you are doing pretty well. Other than a few tweaks with your workout routine here and there, you are doing good! You have a good foundation built for your health, you are mostly ready to commit to a workout plan. If you’d like to switch things up a bit, try a Group Fitness class! We offer Cycling under the Wells Towers, and plenty of other classes like Yoga and Core Complete in the Williams Center!

25 points to 28 points – The Knowledgeable Nugget: Congratulations! It sounds like you know what you are doing. You are prepared physically to start exercising to the best of your abilities!



Thank you for taking this quiz! Essentially, if you answered any “A” options, you should try to work at those questions, and turn them into answer “D”. Go like Warhawk Fitness on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram!

For more in-depth answers to all of these questions, please visit my next post!

*Always Proud, But Never Satisfied*



How To Stay Motivated Over Summer

How To Stay Motivated Over Summer

How to Stay Motivated Over the Summer Now that we are into the summer, one of two things tend to happen to peoples’ fitness plans and goals. You either are doing fine; and with summer here you have more time to pay attention to it,