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A Letter To Those Nervous At The Gym

A Letter To Those Nervous At The Gym

Dear Nervous Nelly,   For whatever reason (better health, fitness, weight loss etc.), you have decided to come to the gym for a work out.  You know that daily physical activity is the key to a longer and healthier life and between siting in classes 



Grilling is often times associated with summer or a dinner time celebration. But what’s more difficult for a college student, finding WHAT to grill or WHERE to grill? If you don’t live on campus, you really don’t have a grill, but once you find the grill, 

The Importance of Treat ‘Yo Self

The Importance of Treat ‘Yo Self

Treat Yo SelfAs young college students, we are constantly stressed about something. Whether it’s a big test, our work schedule, or our lack of money, there are a lot of potential stressors out there for young people. While there are probably tons of methods out there that will help you to minimize your stress levels, I believe that there is one very simple solution that is constantly overlooked: Treating ‘yo self.

If you are not a fan of the T.V. Show Parks and Recreation, you may not understand this reference, though it is pretty self-explanatory. The basic idea of “Treat ‘Yo Self” is that you deserve to reward yourself for events like a job well done, or a stressful experience you’ve just endured. It’s important to remember though, that when you are treating yourself, the actual reward is not as important as the act of rewarding yourself. Was that a little confusing? Let me try again.

Basically, it doesn’t really matter if you treat yourself with a bowl of your favorite ice cream flavor, or if you buy yourself a really expensive watch. The actual act of planning something nice for yourself is far more important than the actual, physical reward.

When you plan something nice for yourself, two amazing things happen: you will have something to look forward to and you will become your top priority. Next time you have a major project, or an important goal to achieve, plan to do something nice for yourself. It will go a long way.

|Stay motivated and don’t give up. Amazing things will happen|

Julia O’Connor

Thinking Ahead: Motivate Yourself to Use the College Gym This Year

Thinking Ahead: Motivate Yourself to Use the College Gym This Year

Class all day, maybe work that follows and how could you forget about the homework? Exercise is the last thing on your mind, and the last place you want to enter is your college gym.  At the time it may seem more like a struggle