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Meditation 101

Meditation 101

The beginning of new year means a new you, am I right? So many of us find ourselves making new goals or resolutions that we want to achieve as we make way into the new year. Often, its physical appearances that we fixate ourselves on. 

Post Tan Lines

Post Tan Lines

The week free of homework, tests, stress and responsibility has once again come and gone in the blink of an eye. Whether you spent your week on a beach, soaking up the sun, or back in your hometown, we all had that one week where 

Why Traveling is good for your health

Why Traveling is good for your health

WHY TRAVELING IS GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH (1)Vacation time in the workplace is decreasing.  Which makes my mind twist and turn.  Vacations offer the chance to relax and restore our overall well-being.  As spring break is approaching, I wanted to show the world how important this week of vacation is; not only our mental health but our physical health.

Recharge emotionally

It is known that being near the water can make you happier, healthier, more connected and better at what you do.  Being near the ocean side can help reset our emotions.  The feeling of awe come about when the sea is at your fingertips.

Get back in shape

While some may think a vacation is an excuse to put aside fitness, traveling goes beyond sitting in a beach chair.  As a tourist you are spending many days walking, whether its sightseeing Europe or walking on the sandy white beaches.  As a traveler you are also inclined more to try new actives while visiting your destination.  These activates may be sailing, surfing, hiking, biking, etc.  Many resorts also encourage fitness while at your stay.  The resorts bring in fitness instructress to do water aerobics or beach yoga with the guest.  This allows visitors to boost physical and mental fitness while away from home.

Eliminating stress

Engaging in new surroundingsallows you to eliminate the stress you are leaving back at home.  There are many psychological benefits from change of scenery from home and work.  Humans thrive on freshness, and travel offers the complete package with new faces, sounds, and sights. Leave all your worries at home.

Wind down and rest up

We’re all guilty; little sleep mixed with high stress can lead to irritability and negative consequences on your everyday performance.  Vacations are a great opportunity to catch up on sleep.  To feel more energized, make sleep and resting and important thing you need.  Grab a beach chair and catch some z’s, but make sure you apply SPF before shutting those eyes.

Mood booster

Traveling can improve our emotional state. Surveys have shown that planning one trip a year can make a human feel happier.  When vacations become a routine it makes it that much easier to leave the stresses of life behind and leave the guilt behind.  Regular vacations, while taking time for yourself and your family lowers your stress level that contribute to degrading our mental and physical health.  And who could forget about the memories that last a life time with vacations.  Memories of vacations can trigger happiness long after your trip.

Many physical and mental benefits to traveling are gained when you step out of your comfort zone and explore the culture around you.  With spring break right around the corner, I hope you truly take advantage of it.  You do not need to travel miles away by plane to gain these benefits.  A vacation lies right within your own backyard.

I hope you learn. I hope you laugh. I hope you never stop. And remember being fit is always in style.

Karlee Fowler

The Grocery List Makeover

The Grocery List Makeover

Routine can be a hit or miss when it comes to someone’s diet. It might be the one factor that keeps your diet in check to stick to what you know, but sticking to the same old same old might be take a huge toll