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Healthy Fall Foods

Healthy Fall Foods

With fall just around the corner, it is time to get excited about all of the wonderful foods that will be coming into season. When fruits and veggies are in season it means that they are naturally at their best. Fall Is a time that 

Oh, Back to School

Oh, Back to School

It’s that time of year again… Stores are filled with school supplies, big yellow buses driving around town, and you find yourself packing up your belongings in preparation to head back to school. For many, this is an extremely exciting time, simply because this means 

Tips For Staying Positive

Tips For Staying Positive

Sometimes staying positive can be difficult. The more you practice positivity in your daily life, the easier it can become. Positivity can greatly benefit your quality of life and overall health. Here are some tips to help keep a positive mindset.

Positivity Image

  • Exercise

Get up and get your blood flowing. Whether you go for a walk or hit the gym, a little physical activity can make you feel a lot better. It has been found that exercise releases chemicals that can make you feel happy.

  • Meditate

Spend some time relaxing and reflecting silently. Meditation can expand awareness within an individual. Having a clear connection between the mind, body, and soul can help release negative emotions.

  • Practice Self-Care

It is important to take care of yourself and put some of your needs first. Make sure to do the simple little things for yourself to avoid stress.

  • Listen to Upbeat Music

Put on some of your favorite songs and get lost in the music. Dance, sing, or just sit back and listen. Take some time out in your day to relax and just get lost in the music.

  • Smile

Researchers have found that making yourself smile has can actually make you feel happier.  Try to smile a little more and see how it makes you feel! Choosing to smile can put you in the right mindset to stay positive.

  • Spend Time in Nature

Go out and get some fresh air. Getting away from your everyday busy life can help you destress. Spending some time off in nature can be a great time for you to do some self-reflection.

  • Limit Social Media

Turn off your cellphone and distance yourself for the drama around you. Taking a break from social media can reduce your stress and help you worry less about the things going on around you.

  • Sleep More

Try to get enough quality sleep each night.  It has been found that getting enough sleep can help improve your mood.


Remember that positivity is contagious! Spread your joy and positive attitude on to the others around you. Also, surround yourself with people who help lift you up. Take life one day at time and do your best to enjoy every moment.


~All you can do is work to become a better you~

~Sadie Wrobel

Get Up or You’ll Get Down…

Get Up or You’ll Get Down…

  I want you to take a moment to reflect on your day, more specifically; the parts of your day when you were sitting down. Start a mental count, how many times did you sit and for how long? We might not always be conscious