An Open Letter to the Friendly Fitness Member

An Open Letter to the Friendly Fitness Member

To the member of Warhawk Fitness that simply wants to work out and socialize at the same time, I hear you. I understand the desire to be with others while you also kick ass in the gym. Sometimes you just want the comfort of a 

Surrounding Yourself with Healthy Positivity

Surrounding Yourself with Healthy Positivity

“Back to school, back to school to prove my dad I’m not a fool.” That’s right Warhawks, we are finally kicking school mode into gear.  Love it or hate it, we have to accept it.  May changes go along with a new school year.  New 

New Habits

New Habits

Setting a new habit is one of the hardest things anyone can do. It takes on average 2-3 weeks of doing something everyday, consistently to make it a new full fledged habit. So this week’s blog is aimed at all the students who may have 

What’s the Best Time of the Day to Workout?

What’s the Best Time of the Day to Workout?

Typically, your workout time is determined on when your classes are or maybe how heavy your workload is. That may mean early mornings or even late nights when your everything has ended.  Consistency is key to any workout.  I have always had trouble deciding which