Meditation 101

Meditation 101

The beginning of new year means a new you, am I right? So many of us find ourselves making new goals or resolutions that we want to achieve as we make way into the new year. Often, its physical appearances that we fixate ourselves on. 

Post Tan Lines

Post Tan Lines

The week free of homework, tests, stress and responsibility has once again come and gone in the blink of an eye. Whether you spent your week on a beach, soaking up the sun, or back in your hometown, we all had that one week where 

Why Traveling is good for your health

Why Traveling is good for your health

Vacation time in the workplace is decreasing.  Which makes my mind twist and turn.  Vacations offer the chance to relax and restore our overall well-being.  As spring break is approaching, I wanted to show the world how important this week of vacation is; not only 

The Grocery List Makeover

The Grocery List Makeover

Routine can be a hit or miss when it comes to someone’s diet. It might be the one factor that keeps your diet in check to stick to what you know, but sticking to the same old same old might be take a huge toll