Healthy Tips For Summer Cookouts

Healthy Tips For Summer Cookouts

  Summer is undeniably about getting together with friends or family, and catching up with a bite to eat. That smoky smell of the grill lingers through the air as you kick back and relax, enjoying an ice cold soda. I mean come on, who 

5 Tips To Stay Hydrated

5 Tips To Stay Hydrated

Drink a LOT of water Make it a habit to start each morning with a glass of water to kick start your day. Try to keep a big bottle of water with you throughout the day. This will encourage you to drink water more often. 

Get Your HIIT On!

Get Your HIIT On!

Everyone is always looking for a new and quick way to get the most out of their time when it comes to exercise. If it was up to me, it would be possible to get a six-pack from doing one 10 minute core workout. However, 

Summer Bucket List

Summer Bucket List

  Hey there! I hope you are enjoying your summer so far! It is crazy to think that we have already experienced all that June had to offer and are about to embark on the fantastic journey that is July. I am sure that you