Get Up or You’ll Get Down…

Get Up or You’ll Get Down…

  I want you to take a moment to reflect on your day, more specifically; the parts of your day when you were sitting down. Start a mental count, how many times did you sit and for how long? We might not always be conscious 

Types of Exercise for a Balanced Life

Types of Exercise for a Balanced Life

When you think of exercise, we all imagine something different, because we are all different! You may imagine strenuous activities such as sprinting or weights — the ones that make you breathe hard, turn flush and drip with sweat. Or maybe you think of jogging 

Your Dentist Was Right!

Your Dentist Was Right!

Believe it or not, your overall health can be affected by your oral hygiene. More specifically, the health of your gums can mediate the health of some of your major body functions. That is right! You are fighting for much more than just a pretty 

Unhealthy-Healthy Eats

Unhealthy-Healthy Eats

  In this overweight driven era, food marketers try everything under the sun in order to promote their product as a healthy food option. “Reduced fat!” “Low sodium!” “20% less sugar!” All these phrases are put on the front of labels to catch the eye