Author: Jen Kaina

So Long, Farewell

So Long, Farewell

What Warhawk Fitness means to me. That was one of the first questions asked in my interview two years ago. I’m going to be honest, I probably just made up some lame answer like working out, or group fitness classes. What I didn’t know at 

Warhawk Fitness Bucket List

Warhawk Fitness Bucket List

Now that the year is coming to a close, we finally get to say “I took that class,” “I did a semester of_____” (fill in blank). But I couldn’t help but notice that this time of year also brings out “I wish I would have” 

Leave the Cosmetics for Barbie

Leave the Cosmetics for Barbie

Pic for Blog- Leave the Cosmetics for BarbieIt is really hard these days to actually find a “natural” person. Almost every girl applies some sort of cosmetic product to their face before leaving the house or at least leaves the smudges on from the night before when they are in a rush. Make-up has become more of a “need” for women than water, which is a problem. Lately, people probably think that I am just lazy and don’t like to do anything with my face before I go to class. Wrong; I having been figuring out how great my skin feels without having to cake on the concealer before I leave the house.  After going six days with a fresh, clean face (yes, then I applied a little eyeliner before I met up with a long-time friend) I started wondering if make-up had side effects that I didn’t know about. This is what I have come to find:

~ Dermatologist Dr. Ijaz from the University Hospital in Karachi found that “all makeup comprises of artificial substances and a large number of chemicals which can harm the skin. These chemicals can seep into your bloodstream via skin absorption”.

~ Make-up is the root cause of acne and skin problems for over 30% of females.

~ Eye shadows are known to contain lead, a carcinogen and neurotoxin that can affect the nervous system adversely, leading to high blood-pressure, allergies, behavioral abnormalities and even decreased rates of fertility!

~ It has been found to be a cause of headaches in women due to the amount of weight it can put on the face causing the head to ache. Avoid wearing make-up for long periods of time to avoid this!

~ Wrinkles and other signs of aging quicken the earlier and more often you apply cosmetics to your face.

~ Lipstick contains aluminum, which may cause long term anemia and even glucose intolerance.

~ Mascara can cause blindness as it contains pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is a very harmful therapy bacteria.

Something important to know is that when a cosmetic product states “Herbal” or “Natural,” there is a good chance it might not be. Cosmetics do not have to be legally tested before placing these labels on the products. If you must wear make-up, making sure you know what products are better for your skin is important. A few ingredients to steer towards are Argon oil-based, plant-based, and fragrance free. Check this out to read about even more 25 Safer Alternatives.

There really is nothing better than being able to rub your eyes in class when you are getting groggy. Am I saying I will never wear make-up? No, but I won’t wear it unless it is a special occasion. If we all stop trying to look like something we are not, men will have to start loving the natural beauties that we actually are. One of my favorite quotes is “Be your own kind of beautiful” and I truly think you should. Don’t cake on the powder, thicken the liner, or plump up them lips without thinking twice. There is no better version of you than the natural one.

“Always remember that it doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you keep on going”

~Kenzi Weidman

Sources: Harmful Effects of Cosmetics, The Cost of Beauty, Cosmetics, 25 Safer Alternatives.

Sick of Being Sick?

Sick of Being Sick?

The heart of flu season may be over, but that doesn’t mean that getting sick is out of the question. I find myself getting sick no matter what I try lately. There are some common myths out there about how to prevent getting sick and