Author: Jen Kaina

Why Traveling is good for your health

Why Traveling is good for your health

Vacation time in the workplace is decreasing.  Which makes my mind twist and turn.  Vacations offer the chance to relax and restore our overall well-being.  As spring break is approaching, I wanted to show the world how important this week of vacation is; not only 

The Grocery List Makeover

The Grocery List Makeover

Routine can be a hit or miss when it comes to someone’s diet. It might be the one factor that keeps your diet in check to stick to what you know, but sticking to the same old same old might be take a huge toll 

Why YOU Should Join Our Team

Why YOU Should Join Our Team

Hey there fitness fanatic!

I hope that you are enjoying your wellness journey thus far and that this blog site has been a helpful resource for you. That being said, if you have been able to enjoy the different outlets offered by the Warhawk Fitness and Aquatics PR Team you should seriously consider joining the team!

On the Warhawk Fitness PR Team, you are encouraged to embrace your creative side! We are in charge of managing the Warhawk Fitness Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest accounts as well as creating Blogs and VLOGs! Now don’t worry, you do not have to do each of these tasks at the same time. We rotate through these tasks every week! I promise it is very low stress but very high reward.

I have been a member of this team for 3 years and I can assure you that there is always something new and exciting to discover. This position allows individuals to develop their skills while also showcasing their unique personalities. If you are interested in expressing your love of wellness to the Whitewater community, I definitely encourage you to apply! This position has so much to offer and I encourage you to take advantage of this exceptional opportunity!

|Stay motivated and don’t give up. Amazing things will happen|

Julia O’Connor

You Salty, huh?

You Salty, huh?

We as humans are creatures of habit, we do what we’re used to and don’t even question it. This personally reigns true for me when I’m sitting at a dining table and sprinkle some table salt on my food when it doesn’t meet my flavor