Author: Jen Kaina

How to Keep the Mind Active Over Break

How to Keep the Mind Active Over Break

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How to Make the Best Fitness Playlist

How to Make the Best Fitness Playlist

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A Commuter’s Emergency Kit for Winter Weather

A Commuter’s Emergency Kit for Winter Weather

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Happy Winter Everyone! With this cold weather it is the perfect time to cuddle up with a book and a heated blanket. But, when it comes time that you HAVE to leave the house, you need to make sure your car is prepared for the cold weather. My fiancé, who is an EMT, put together an emergency car kit for me just in case something was to go wrong during my long commutes. I am here to share his genius with anyone who drives during the cold months.

A Winter Emergency Kit contains some equipment that should be in your vehicle at all times. Such equipment includes;

  • Car Phone Charger – Similarly to how your car should always have more than a ¼ of a tank of gas in the winter, your phone should never fall below ¼ of a battery. In case of an emergency you need to be able to call for help.
  • Car Jump Starter/Jumper Cables – It would be the worst if your car’s battery died and you are left out in the cold. Be prepared: sometimes batteries drain for the cold temperatures.
  • Basic First Aid Kit – No one ever plans on getting hurt, but if you or someone else does you will be prepared to help! For advice on how to stock your first aid kit, visit Red Cross.
  • Flashlight and batteries – “Oh no, it’s dark outside! Good thing I can see with my handy dandy flashlight!”
  • Flare- While a flare might sound bizarre (we are not out at sea), it is an important universal signal for help.
  • Tire Changing Kit- Even if you do not know how to change a tire, someone who does know can assist even if they are not prepared. See the equipment you will need for changing a tire at the DMV website.

Once you have your basic necessities, add in your winter equipment. This portion of your kit ensures that you will stay warm, and be able to either get yourself out of a sticky situation, or be comfortable while you wait for help.

  • Kitty Litter/Wood shavings- Believe it out not, if your tires get stuck in the snow one bag of kitty litter can give you the traction to drive out. Wood shaving also does the trick and it is environmentally friendly.
  • Window Scraper- Invest in a nice window scraper! I have used mine to clean windows, clean out snow in my tire wells, and dig my tires out of snow. Life-Saver.
  • Shovel- You do not need a huge shovel, but it is essential to get out of big messes.
  • Tow chain and rope – Just in case the shovel doesn’t work… anyone with a truck can pull you out. I have used mine several times…
  • Extra Hats, Gloves, Coats, and Scarves- You never know if you may need a little something extra.
  • Blanket- If you need to wait for assistance, you might as well stay comfortable.
  • Water and Food- Once again this basic necessity can keep you comfortable and prepared if you must wait. Food such as raisins, nuts, and granola are good to have.

Thank you for reading, I hope this Winter Emergency Kit helps you to feel safe and prepared for winter’s unexpected experiences.

Until next time, be safe, stay warm, and carry on…

Kari Rebman

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What Should I (wh)Eat Today?

What Should I (wh)Eat Today?

Where Should Grains Fall into Your Diet…   With so many diets out there, knowing what to eat can be confusing. Even if you aren’t on any specific diet plan, you still want to monitor what goes into our precious bodies! One thing I personally