Tag Archives: ps4


Ever feel like making some absolutely wonderful cuisine but don’t have the skill to do so? Trying to cook with your friends but don’t know what to make or how to make it? Perfect! This is sort of the game for you!

Welcome to the Weekly Co-Op!

This week’s game will be Overcooked!

Players: 1-4

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Price: $16.99 ($19.99 on the Nintendo Switch)

image from ghosttowngames.com/overcooked

Overcooked is a game all about… well… cooking. This week’s cooperative choice is all about making delicacies in the cooking world such as soup and burgers. Some of these zany choices may seem like simple dishes, but that’s where this game shines.

There are multiple game modes for this game, but the cooperative story mode is where this game really shines cooperatively. The story is all about cooking and saving the world. No greater cause in mankind could be found for the player to have a reason to cook with his/her friends.

The reason this game is such a good cooperative game is because of the way players are required to cook. There are several steps to completing a dish. First, get the ingredients to a chopping station. Then, get the chopped ingredients to a cooking station. Wait for the ingredients to finish cooking, and then serve it on a plate. This may sound simple, but this is met with multiple little intricacies throughout the process that make it harder such as splitting the jobs into two sides or putting a pit in the middle of the stage.

This game offers a lot of opportunity to love, or hate, your friends, and that is why it is on this list. It really tests the communication between you and your friends to be able to stay on top of the orders and figure out each map.

Overcooked is a great game and would highly recommend for anyone looking to play a mildly challenging cooperative game.


A bunch of weird games you’ve never heard of? 2 vs 2 competitive gameplay? Weird characters and maps? Look no further!

Welcome to the Weekly Co-Op!

This week’s competitive game will be Sportsfriends!

Players: 2-4

Platform: PC, PS3, PS4

Price: $14.99

image from store.steampowered.com

Sportsfriends is essentially 4 different games in a nice little package for any of you competitive fiends.

Barabariball is a fighting game with a goal: get your ball below the other teams water (this makes more sense once you play the game). The point of the game can vary, but the base game point is to score the set amount of points for the game. This is game is probably the most challenging to be very good at since there is a lot of different mechanics involved like jumping, attacking, dodging, and throwing. On top of this, there is a limited amount of jumps (can be changed in the options menu) and each player has a special attack. This is my personal favorite out of the bunch.

Johann Sebastian Joust is a physical game. You hold the controller still longer than the other players. That is the gyst of this game. Each player takes a position away from the other players, and can only move when music is going at regular speed. If any player’s controller moves during the slowed period, then that player is out. It’s a fun game to play through a few times.

Pole Riders usually seems to be the favorite of the game and understandable so. Each player has a pole that they must figure out how to use to push a ball on a string to the other teams goal. The mechanics of the pole are tough to remembers and even worse to master if you do not play this game consistently, so it is a good game to bring new people into.

Hokra is a little more strategic, but still fun. You are trying to keep the ball in your color (green or purple usually) until your color fills completely with a slightly darker color. This means you are scoring and the other team isn’t. To get the ball away, there is dashing into the ball and other players. Besides that, there isn’t much. There is a lot of pursuit play in this game along with a lot of stunning the other players. To be completely honest I find this game a little irritating, but it is always fun regardless.

Hopefully this little four pack of games is on your list of games to get because it definitely should be!

Lovers in a Dangerous Timespace

Venturing into deep space with some friends is a journey like no other that requires team-work and patience. This weird game does just that.

Welcome to the Weekly Co-Op!

This week’s game will be Lovers in a Dangerous Timespace!

Players: 1-4

Platform: Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS4, PC

Price: $14.99


image from http://www.loversinadangerousspacetime.com/

Lovers in a Dangerous Timespace is a 4 player adventure into space. This game is not a usually cooperative experience. Teamwork is required for this game to be fun and function well, so I hope the team you choose to bring with you is going to be up for the challenge. There are multiple spots inside the space ship that players have to control, and that is what makes this game so interesting. Someone has to steer, someone has to control the shield, and someone has to control the weapons. The more people you play with, the easier this game gets. Fight off hordes of enemies as they try to ram, shoot, or blow up your ship!

As the game progresses, there are upgrades to the ship that can be found around the map of each level. The levels are different and provide different obstacles each time. These obstacles range from speed traps to slowing bubbles and on.

The point of the game is to find all of the other little buddies hanging out around the levels and defeat the bosses of each level. Once you are done on each level , you need to find the big heart to go into to finish the level.

It’s an interesting game, but does a really good job of making the players work together. Lovers in a Dangerous Timespace is a unique adventure that any team should try out.


Shooting arrows, dodging monsters, or even dodging your friends! More in store if you pick up Towerfall!

Welcome to the Weekly Co-Op!

Players: 1-4

Platform: PS4, PC, PS Vita, Xbox One, Ouya

Price: $14.99

image from towerfall-game.com

Welcome to the world of Towerfall, a strategic nightmare. This game is easily in my top 3 of favorite competitive multiplayer games. There is so much to do and so many ways to change up what starts as a simple game.

Before I continue, I should let you know that there is a cooperative mode for this game too, but that is only 2 players (unless you buy the DLC).

Towerfall is a game focused on shooting things with arrows. That is the basic concept of the game. The reason the game is so fun is because of how it accomplishes this goal. The game is a 2-D arena shooter. You pick the little pixel person you wish to destroy with, and then make your way into the game. The base game lets you shoot in any cardinal direction, pick up used arrows, dash away (or towards) arrows, and wall jump. There are so many tiny nuances to the game that can change these mechanics up. Want to regenerate arrows? Sure! How about wings that let you fly? Why not! There is so much customization within the variant options for the game. One of the main changes that the game allows you to make is to the arrow type. Instead of shooting a regular arrow, maybe you’re shooting an arrow that can blow up. Maybe your arrows can drill through walls. There are so many zany and wacky options to pick from.

On top of the base game being fun and enjoyable, there is DLC for the game priced at $9.99 that I would recommend if you plan on playing this with friends. The DLC adds more variants (like a double jump or longer dash) and some new maps and cooperative arenas.

This is a must-get for anyone who plays games with their friends often. 10/10 would recommend.

Gang Beasts

Are you looking for a game that pits you and your friends against each other in hilarious fights? Ever want to see really funny ragdoll physics combined with fun local-multiplayer? Well look no further!

Welcome to the Weekly Co-op!

This weeks competitive game will be Gang Beasts!

Players: 1-4

Platform: PC, PS4

Price: $19.99


image from gangbeasts.game

Gang beasts is a hilarious game involving blob-people who meander their way around an arena to hit the other blob-people. Punch, kick, or headbutt, trying to knock your friends out is the name of the game. There are a few different game modes, but all focus around beating your friends.

To keep this from getting repetitive and annoying, Gang Beasts offers a plethora of customization for anyone who gets bored easily. Mix and match how your character looks, change the settings for the match, change the arena, there is plenty to make the game feel just different enough to keep you playing.

The game play itself is what makes this game stand out. Since the characters are basically gelatin-people, they move sluggishly; not too slow, but just enough to make your little guy feel drunk sloshing it’s way around the arena. The attacks feel like they have some weight behind them, so knocking someone down feels extra rewarding. On top of all of that, to get players out of the map (the way to eliminate them), you have to pick them up while they are down and throw them off the arena!

Gang Beasts is a wild adventure to sink some time into, and I highly recommend that every person who is thinking about getting a good local multiplayer game check this one out!


Welcome back to the Weekly Co-op!

Competitive local multiplayer not your thing? That’s okay! Every week there will be one game focusing on beating your friends, and one focusing on working with your friends!

This week’s Co-op game will be Broforce!

Player count: 1-4

Platform: PC, PS4

Price: $14.99

Image from broforcegame.com

Do you love classic action stars? Do you love awesome rock music? How about gratuitous gore? Well this is the game for you! Broforce is a crazy, fast-paced 2-D side scroller meant to test the bonds of anyone who plays it.

Broforce is all about killing stuff with cool action heroes to get to the end of the map. From parody characters of The Terminator to Indiana Jones, this game has all the different kinds of actions heroes you can think of. All of the characters have ‘bro’ somewhere in the name , and the game really tries to emphasize that. Shoot, explode, and slash your way through each level so you can progress all the way to hell where you and your bros get to kill the devil.

The reason this game tests the relationships of anyone who plays it is because this is not an easy game. Each player can only get hit once before they die, and you can only respawn if you freed other bros somewhere on the map. Otherwise, you have to go back to a checkpoint every time you die, and the checkpoints become less and less forgiving the farther into the game you go.

While it is a hard game, this game is loads of fun. Goofy deaths, lots of communication, and plenty of ‘MERICA to go around, this game is wild, and I love it.

That’s all for this week! I’ll be back soon with more recommendations! Have a great week!



Tired of playing Call of Duty and Rocket League with your friends? Interested in finding a new, cheap game to play with your friends? Well, look no further! Welcome to the Weekly Co-Op!


Today’s recommendation will be Starwhal!

Players: 1-4

Platform: PC, Xbox One, PS4, WiiU, PS3

Price: $11.99

Image from Steam

Starwhal was released a few years ago (2013), but it has taken the couch co-op world by storm. It is a simple game with only a few mechanics, but it is hard to master and fun to play! You are a narwhal set in an 80’s style theme. The 2-D game is focused on stabbing the other narwhals in the heart.


Violent, I know; however, it is not as bad as you might think. Since the game is already a goofy theme (narwhals stabbing each other with their noses set in an 80’s theme) the game follows suit with this. When you get close to other ‘starwhals”, time slows down. When you get to the other player’s heart, the heart explodes in a 2-D, non-graphic explosion. The game is safe for children and adults to play together.

There are multiple game modes in the game, specifically 4. There is a classic mode, a mode where one player has a special heart (plays like king of the hill except the hill is a special heart) called Heart Throb, Zones (which is like king of the hill), and Score Attack (instead of losing hearts, you gain score when you stab someone else).

There are plenty of customization options to make your Starwhal unique, and plenty of different options to change up the game every time.

The game is only $12, and has been giving my friends and I hours of fun since I bought it almost 4 years ago. Starwhal is a great game for any person on a budget and looking to play something new with their friends.

That’s all for the Weekly Co-op, check back in soon for another game! Have a great week!