
Do you like arena games where you need to defeat your friends? Well, add anti-gravity to that and you have this game.

Welcome to the Weekly Co-Op!

This week’s competitive game will be Paperbound!

Players: 1-4

Platform: PC, PS4

Price: $9.99


image from

Paperbound is all about hacking and slashing. The point of the game is to get to your portal, but the path to get there often changes, and that is what makes this game so fun.

There are plenty of characters to choose from even though they are purely cosmetic; however, the map choice is wide and varying. Each map is an arena, but its construction is different. Some maps have spikes on the sides, some have no sides, some are really small maps that are completely enclosed. Apart from this, there is also different game modes to play. From simply killing each other to capturing an object and holding it (a la King of the Hill game types), there is enough variation to keep the game fun and new for a while.

Even though there is not a lot of actual content in the game (set number of maps, set number of characters, set number of game types), the reason I chose this game is because of its’ unique take on the genre.

In terms of gameplay, this game is relatively hard to jump into. There is figuring out how to attack, how to throw effectively, and using the environment in the map appropriately. Once you figure that out, there is the entire anti-gravity addition that changes the game entirely. Anti-gravity is such a weird concept to mess with that it alone is what puts this game on my radar. It completely changes how you approach winning. Instead of trying to get to your enemy across the map and hitting them, you can now just switch gravity and “fall” towards them and slash them as you pass them. There is so much opportunity to experiment with how to traverse each map that it makes each time you play feel just different enough to keep you around.

While this game may be a little hard to just introduce to casual gamers, it is definitely a lot of fun and has given me and a few different groups of friends a lot of memories. For $10, this game is well worth the price for how much use I have gotten out of it.


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