Tag Archives: bomb

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Ever feel like the most fun thing to do would be to try and defuse a bomb with your friends? Look no further!

Welcome to the Weekly Co-Op!

This weeks cooperative game will be Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes!

Players: 2-???

Platform: PC, PS VR

Price: $14.99

A ticking time bomb filled with puzzles.

image from http://www.keeptalkinggame.com/

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is a cooperative game all about bomb defusal. The point of the game is to work with friends to defuse a bomb. The bomb is a box with an assortment of “modules” attached to it that each have a specific action that has to be done to it. For example, there are modules with a big button, there are wires that you have to cut in the right way, there are images that you have to choose in the right way, and plenty of other modules for the player to experiment and try out.

While this game does support VR, it does not necessarily require it. I personally would recommend using VR if that is available to you since it helps separate the player from the decoder.

Ah yes, the decoder. The reason this game requires at least 2 players is because the person trying to defuse the bomb has no idea how to actually defuse the bomb. The person who knows is the decoder. The decoder has either a bunch of sheets or a website that shows how to accurately defuse each bomb.

The interesting part of the game is the teamwork this game requires. It is literally required to have 2 people playing for this game to work, and exceptional communication skills to master.

If you have VR, I highly recommend getting this game. If you don’t, I highly recommend getting it! It’s a great game to play with friends!