Tag Archives: barabariball


A bunch of weird games you’ve never heard of? 2 vs 2 competitive gameplay? Weird characters and maps? Look no further!

Welcome to the Weekly Co-Op!

This week’s competitive game will be Sportsfriends!

Players: 2-4

Platform: PC, PS3, PS4

Price: $14.99

image from store.steampowered.com

Sportsfriends is essentially 4 different games in a nice little package for any of you competitive fiends.

Barabariball is a fighting game with a goal: get your ball below the other teams water (this makes more sense once you play the game). The point of the game can vary, but the base game point is to score the set amount of points for the game. This is game is probably the most challenging to be very good at since there is a lot of different mechanics involved like jumping, attacking, dodging, and throwing. On top of this, there is a limited amount of jumps (can be changed in the options menu) and each player has a special attack. This is my personal favorite out of the bunch.

Johann Sebastian Joust is a physical game. You hold the controller still longer than the other players. That is the gyst of this game. Each player takes a position away from the other players, and can only move when music is going at regular speed. If any player’s controller moves during the slowed period, then that player is out. It’s a fun game to play through a few times.

Pole Riders usually seems to be the favorite of the game and understandable so. Each player has a pole that they must figure out how to use to push a ball on a string to the other teams goal. The mechanics of the pole are tough to remembers and even worse to master if you do not play this game consistently, so it is a good game to bring new people into.

Hokra is a little more strategic, but still fun. You are trying to keep the ball in your color (green or purple usually) until your color fills completely with a slightly darker color. This means you are scoring and the other team isn’t. To get the ball away, there is dashing into the ball and other players. Besides that, there isn’t much. There is a lot of pursuit play in this game along with a lot of stunning the other players. To be completely honest I find this game a little irritating, but it is always fun regardless.

Hopefully this little four pack of games is on your list of games to get because it definitely should be!