Category Archives: Cooperative Games

These games are the cooperative games recommended from each week

Castle Crashers

Classic 2-D side scroller with modern and fun graphics, you say? Well, look no further!

Welcome to the Weekly Co-op!

This weeks cooperative game will be the classic Castle Crashers!

Players: 1-4

Platform : PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One

Price: $14.99

Castle Crashers

image from

Castle Crashers came out originally for the Xbox 360, and it is still one of my favorite co-op games. This game is a 2-D side scroller focused on hack n’ slashing your way through the game. It is a little gory, so beware of children. The gore and violence of the game adds to it’s satirical form, however. Instead of stabbing and enemy with a sword, why not cut off his head cleanly with a twig? How about beating down and enemy with a literal fish? Maybe that’s a little too goofy for some of you, so why not take the reigns with a golden sword or come out victorious with a huge wooden club? This game has so many options that you can play through at least twice before getting bored, and this is by no means a small game.

Finishing off around level 40, this game offers countless hours of fun for you and your friends. From getting to choose what kind of powers your knight will have to deciding what cute little animal is going to follow you around, the game does a good job of keeping everything similar while making each character feel unique.

The funny yet awesome story, the customization, and the simple to learn yet hard to master gameplay is what makes this game one of my top 10 favorite co-operative games to play with people. I highly recommend buying this game and going on a truly wondrous adventure with some friends.


Welcome back to the Weekly Co-op!

Competitive local multiplayer not your thing? That’s okay! Every week there will be one game focusing on beating your friends, and one focusing on working with your friends!

This week’s Co-op game will be Broforce!

Player count: 1-4

Platform: PC, PS4

Price: $14.99

Image from

Do you love classic action stars? Do you love awesome rock music? How about gratuitous gore? Well this is the game for you! Broforce is a crazy, fast-paced 2-D side scroller meant to test the bonds of anyone who plays it.

Broforce is all about killing stuff with cool action heroes to get to the end of the map. From parody characters of The Terminator to Indiana Jones, this game has all the different kinds of actions heroes you can think of. All of the characters have ‘bro’ somewhere in the name , and the game really tries to emphasize that. Shoot, explode, and slash your way through each level so you can progress all the way to hell where you and your bros get to kill the devil.

The reason this game tests the relationships of anyone who plays it is because this is not an easy game. Each player can only get hit once before they die, and you can only respawn if you freed other bros somewhere on the map. Otherwise, you have to go back to a checkpoint every time you die, and the checkpoints become less and less forgiving the farther into the game you go.

While it is a hard game, this game is loads of fun. Goofy deaths, lots of communication, and plenty of ‘MERICA to go around, this game is wild, and I love it.

That’s all for this week! I’ll be back soon with more recommendations! Have a great week!