Cancel Culture Strikes Again

Cancel what??

Yep, you heard me correctly. Cancel Culture is “a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – either online on social media, in the real world, or both.” as writers have said o Wikipedia. Cancel Culture is real and happened yet again yesterday.

Dinner with the D’Amelio’s – gone wrong.

TikTok stars Dixie and Charli D’Amelio have the spotlight shining on them, but not for good reasons. The D’Amelio family, which includes the star’s parents, Mark and Heidi, recently debuted a new series on their YouTube called Dinner with the D’Amelio’s. They had their personal chef who is also a friend prepare them dinner and hosted guest star, James Charles. As they ate they had a conversation and asked each other questions about being influencers. As they were eating, Dixie started gagging while trying the food and Charli chimed in asking if they could eat “dino nuggets” instead. Charli also seemed to be complaining about not hitting 100 million followers only a year after joining the app. Their parents didn’t do anything to step in and correct their daughter’s behavior and people noticed immediately. Fans quickly turned to the comments talking about how disgusted they were at how the girls and their parents were acting. The video was uploaded on November 16, 2020, and only three days later they are being “cancelled” and Charli has lost over 1 million followers with the number continuing to drop.

Why is this important?

This is so important in terms of influencer marketing. As TikTok stars who have blown up and become the face of the app, they have many sponsorships and partnerships with brands. For example, Charli recently got her own drink named after her at Dunkin Donuts and Dixie is releasing a song with Liam Payne very soon. The girls are also working with Morphe and created their own line of makeup. Not to mention smaller deals like other beauty products, lifestyle products, etc. Imagine you were one of these brands or people that work closely with the D’Amelios. How would that make you look? How would that make other people view your brand now too? This is why choosing your influencer carefully is so important and also knowing how to handle events like this.


  • Lindsey Buchanan

    I agree withe everything you said. With a spot light on them it can be hard for them if they mess up, I think the best thing to do in this situation is apologize and clear things up, which they did! I think its good for them to learn lessons and really be humble. Charli just hit 100 million followers, I sure hope she is humble!! I don’t agree with cancel culture however. It seems like people on tik tok will find anything to use against influencers to cancel them. Not everyone is perfect and its definatley important to keep that in mind! It would be super hard going from a normal girl to a girl with all of this social pressure. Social media can be good and bad!

  • Sam Meier

    Hello Anna,

    I agree that, especially when you have such a large following on social media, it is important in how you handle yourself both in social media and in real life. I liked how you talked aboUt this cancelling affecting the brands and products that sponsor these TikTok stars. I feel like it is soMetimes hard to take a soCial media platform seriously, but if that is how you are making money, every post and interaction you make on social media should be well thought out.

  • Nadia Foltz

    This was very interesting to read! It’s crazy how a young girl go so famous quickly and then went all down the drain in seconds! Crazy how social media works and this just shows be careful what you say on the internet.

  • Sawyer Novara

    The problem with this is that Charli is still just a kid and people involved in cancel culture tactics don’t believe that kids make mistakes. We all made stupid decisions or did things that made us look questionable at that age. We can’t expect kids to to be perfect.

  • Bri Olstad

    Hi Anna!

    It is so shocking to see how impactful the cancel culture can be on social media. I mean, Charli D’Amelio is the most followed user on the platform, and almost overnight lost over 1 million followers? The power of social media is crazy. Personally, I think Charli benefited from her live Instagram video. She clarified her situation, even though their YouTube video placed her in a negative light. I cannot imagine having that many people watching my every move, especially at that age!

    • Karissa Murphy

      I think it is very hard for young people to get so famous at such a young age. They are going to make mistakes and act like “kids” do. With the spotlight on them it makes it hard for them to make simple mistakes without being “canceled”. That is very harsh and puts a lot of pressure on these girls when they are just learning who they are. The media needs to be less critical but also they need to be careful and learn from their mistakes.

  • Lauren Foster

    I agree that cancel culture seems to take it to extreme measures in order to cancel someone whether it’s a Youtuber, social media influencer, or celebrity. It led to many people to taking a long break from their social media platforms or have become silent. For example, there was a video of Jenna Marbles that was several years old on how to be like NIki Minaj that caused her to leave Youtube. No one knows if it’s permanent, but cancel culture has become more aggressive in trying to rid people of their platforms.

  • Nichole Learman

    Cancel culture is such a frustrating thing and puts so much pressure on influencers to be perfect. I feel bad for them. One little screw up could end a person’s entire career. Everyone is aloud to make mistakes and I think cancel culture is a very toxic thing that’s going on in the internet world right now

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