Summer on the Mall
In April of 2018 I started working at UW-Whitewater’s University Center as an Administrative Assistant. One of my main jobs is assisting with planning events for the University Center.
Every summer, the UC hosts three “Summer on the Mall” events. These serve as pace changers for students, faculty, and staff that are on campus. There is food, games, prizes to win, arts and crafts, and live music.
Planning these Summer on the Mall events are a lot of work. Factors like decorations, the menu, finding a band, making the games, and gathering prizes all play in to making the event.
My role in particular was focuses on the games and prizes. A few of my coworkers and myself went around to several businesses in the Whitewater community to gather donations to use as prizes, and to promote the event to the local businesses. For the 2018 Summer on the Mall series we were very successful with getting donations and creating the games.
I’m excited and grateful to be able to help plan three more Summer on the Mall events for 2019.