America's Effort, Global Impact

Two Alternatives when Building Roads!

Roads made from waste plastics and Solar Roadways:

I can across a video on Facebook that has left my jaw wide open. Engineering Toby McCarthey has invented paved roads that made from Image result for toby mccartney plastic roadsrecycled plastic and plastic that is in the ocean! He replaced bitumen with recycled plastic pieces and created something better than what we had before. The plastic roads are 60% stronger than the traditional asphalt roads and last 10 times longer. The popularly of these plastic roads is rising! It is time for the United States to take part!

Image result for toby mccartney plastic roadsImage result for toby mccartney plastic roads

Currently, there is over billions of liters of oil make up our roads and over trillions of plastic materials that have no use or that are just simply floating in our oceans. This is yet another great use for plastic! This will help solve some of the plastic waste problems, help reduce global carbon emissions, and in return make our roads more durable! Plastic paved roads are the future!

Another alternative this made me think of was solar roadways. It was popular a couple of years ago and I’m sad it didn’t take off because I was really excited about it. I am going to share this with you anyways! 

Solar Roadways is basically solar panels that replaced our roads, sidewalks, driveways, etc. They were invented by an engineering couple named Scott and Julie Brusaw.Image result for solar roadways

Because their solar panels, they basically pay for themselves, so it lowers the cost of energy. Not to mention these are heated! You never have to worry about ice or snow on roads! YES! That includes no more Image result for solar roadwaysshoveling in your driveway! You can ride your bike, moped and motorcycle year round! Think about the salt we put down on our roads. Not only does it destroy the roads themselves but it also rusts your car!

Solar Roadways are so easy to replace, and you won’t have to worry about filling in pot holes. They each are an individual panel. They are also pressure censored so they can warn people telling them to slow down for people crossing, deer crossing, or even branches falling. The solar Image result for solar roadwaysroadways also light up with LED lights! They light up the lane changes, warning signs, parking spots, etc. And you never have to worry about repainting them because all you have to do is re program them! It also helps with water run off. It re directs the water and doesn’t contaminant it like traditional roads do!

The best part of it all… the solar panels are made from recycle materials!



Both of these are great Eco-friendly alternatives! I am excited to see our future paved roads! 


Check out this video below. It goes into more details about Solar Roadways! 

America's Effort

Green Roofs and Solar Roof Panels!!

What is currently on your roof right now? Just simply a roof right? What if I told you there were two Eco-friendly roof ideas that could better the planet! Green roofs and solar roof panels! They are great ideas because if you think about it, we don’t really use our roofs for anything besides hanging Christmas lights. Let’s put our roofs into good environmental use!

First off, what is a green roof? A green roof system involves high quality water-proofing, root repellent system, drainage system, filter cloth, a lightweight growing medium, and plants. It’s basically a plant-based roof! It is pretty amazing because there are so many benefits to it! Michigan State University tells us that, “…they can improve storm-water management by reducing runoff and improving water quality, conserve energy, mitigate the urban heat island, increase longevity of roofing membranes, reduce noise and air pollution, sequester carbon, increase urban biodiversity by providing habitat for wildlife, provide space for urban agriculture, provide a more aesthetically pleasing and healthy environment to work and live, and improve return on investment compared to traditional roofs.” With all those benefits why wouldn’t you want to invest into getting a green roof!!

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Below is a video about why cities need more green roofs and they also look into the largest green roof in New York City!

If green roofs aren’t your forte, let me tell you about solar roof panels! They are also called ‘solar shingles.” They are photo-voltaic cells that are designed to like a normal roof so no one would really know the difference. For example, Tesla is a company that sells them. They are cheaper and more durable (3 times stronger) than the traditional roof. Tesla also gives a lifetime warranty. I don’t know about you but when sometime says lifetime warranty, I know it must be good and true. They also come with battery pack so you can still have power at night time. Not to mention, it saves you money on top of that!! It is worth the investment! I can’t wait until the entire world is cover in solar roof panels!!

Image result for solar roof panelsImage result for solar roof panels teslaImage result for solar roof panels tesla

Below is a video about Tesla’s solar roof tiles! Take a look!

Tesla Is Now Selling These Solar Roof Tiles For Cheaper Than A…

Tesla Is Now Selling These Solar Roof Tiles For Cheaper Than A Regular Roof

Posted by David Wolfe on Saturday, May 13, 2017