Individual Change

Sustainably Living

What does it mean to live a more ‘sustainable‘ life?

Sustainable living is a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual’s or society’s use of the earth’s natural resources and personal resources.

For my first official post, I am just going to give five general ideas to help you live more sustainable. These may be things you have heard of before or they might be completely new to you. This is just a starting place! What ever the fact, here a simple ways to live more sustainable in your everyday life!

  1. RIDE YOUR BIKE! Riding your bike is actually sometimes quicker than driving! Often times when I ride my bike, I pass a whole line of cars of people stuck in traffic. It of course depends on where your going and what you have to carry, but when you can I would advise you to try to ride your bike!

Image result for riding your bike

2. CAR POOLING! This is another great alternative to helping reduce car emissions. Think about it… if for example, you and a co-worker are going to the same place anyways why not ride together? Not only are you helping the planet, but your also saving money in your own wallet. Image result for car pooling

3. REDUCE HOUSEHOLD ENERGY USE! This idea may seem kind of impossible but it’s not. A lot of the times people leave lights on in rooms their not in. Why? It takes two seconds to flip the switch back up. Try turning off the lights when you leave the room or when you leave your house! This will also save you money in your pocket!

Image result for turn off lights


4. RESELL AND DONATE! When your going through your old stuff, why not make some money off it too? I like the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” (or something like that). Goodwill is a awesome place to drop your unwanted things off if you just want to get rid of them. Back in the day, the only reason people would get rid of their clothes is because they didn’t work anymore or were too worn out. Now a days, people get rid of clothes because their out of style. Clothes is a luxury. We don’t need the newest stuff. If you aren’t willing to stop buying new clothes, at least donate them to someone who could use them! This doesn’t just apply to clothes, but also furniture, dishware, old toys, etc.

Image result for goodwill

5. PLANT SEEDS! People have ‘grown’ away from planting their own plants. Try setting aside a small area in your yard or window cell. You don’t need acres of land. It’s really a simple process. Also planting trees always helps the environment! If everyone in the world planted one tree, there would be roughly seven billion more trees tomorrow than there was yesterday! Think about the changes that could happen! Those trees would remove over 27 Million metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere annually! Start planting! Image result for plant a tree

With that said, here is a video of little boy who has the mindset that we all should have! Enjoy!