America's Effort, Global Impact

Do other Countries Recycle better than the US?

Recycling in the US had become more and more common as the years come. I don’t remember recycling when I was little. Now, I don’t see a house in my neighborhood that doesn’t recycle. My family even adapted to the system as well. They have now have a indoor recycling bin when before they didn’t. I also remember everyone have different sizes of garbage bins. I may be wrong but I believe it is so the garbage truck can pick up the can easier. Also, at the same time, they also distributed recycle bins. I think that is truly when my family started to recycle and so did the rest of the US.Image result for recycling bins on road

Image result for recyclingTwice as many Americans recycle now, verse 20 years ago. According to IPSOS survey, younger generation’s poor recycling habits compares to 57% of adults of 55 years and older. But… that same survey found that college graduates recycle slightly higher than the average US. I was happy to hear this because college graduates are our future generations. I am soon to be a college graduate and I’d like to think my fellow classmates are taking notice on our environment. I think we are more inform today, then we were in the past. There is hope. I’m glad that recycling has become more prominent in the United States, but thankfully we are not the only country who is. There are actually other countries that recyclable better than us! In fact, the US doesn’t even make the top 10 list.


TOP 10 Countries that Recycle

1. Austria is the first country on the list. They have the highest rate out of any other country in the world. 63% of their waste is diverted from

landfills!! They have kept this high rating for the past decade! That’s impressive Austria! Keep it up!

2. Germany comes in a close second with 62% of their waste being diverted from landfills!

3. Taiwan– 60%

4. Cairo– alternate approach

5. Egypt-alternate approach

6. Brazil-alternate approach

7. Singapore– 59%

8. South Korea– 49%

9. United Kingdom– 39%

10. Italy-36%

11. France-35% (Number 11 but very close to Italy).

Now if we look at the United States we only divert 34.3 percent of waste. We as Americans generate about 254 million tons of trash and recycled and composted about 87 million tons of this material. We generate about 4.40 pounds of waste per person per day. Now if you ask me, that’s a lot of waste! On the other hand we recycle and compost about 1.51 pounds of that waste. That’s less than half. We can do better. Image result for recycling in us

Although, America has come a long way from where they started. I believe are efforts have just begun. When my grand-kid’s kids are born, my hope is that the trend continues and the United States strides of recycling continue to increase and our waste in landfill decreases. This will be a positive development! The world is taking notice.

Below are two interesting videos that I found about other countries recycling! Check them out!!! 

Recycling in Norway: Recycling = $$… watch below to find out why! 


Sweden is so good at recycling, their taking other people’s trash?? Watch below to find out! 

Sweden recycles

Sweden is so damn good at recycling, it just ran out of trash.

Posted by Mic on Thursday, December 15, 2016

America's Effort

Green Roofs and Solar Roof Panels!!

What is currently on your roof right now? Just simply a roof right? What if I told you there were two Eco-friendly roof ideas that could better the planet! Green roofs and solar roof panels! They are great ideas because if you think about it, we don’t really use our roofs for anything besides hanging Christmas lights. Let’s put our roofs into good environmental use!

First off, what is a green roof? A green roof system involves high quality water-proofing, root repellent system, drainage system, filter cloth, a lightweight growing medium, and plants. It’s basically a plant-based roof! It is pretty amazing because there are so many benefits to it! Michigan State University tells us that, “…they can improve storm-water management by reducing runoff and improving water quality, conserve energy, mitigate the urban heat island, increase longevity of roofing membranes, reduce noise and air pollution, sequester carbon, increase urban biodiversity by providing habitat for wildlife, provide space for urban agriculture, provide a more aesthetically pleasing and healthy environment to work and live, and improve return on investment compared to traditional roofs.” With all those benefits why wouldn’t you want to invest into getting a green roof!!

Image result for green roofs

Below is a video about why cities need more green roofs and they also look into the largest green roof in New York City!

If green roofs aren’t your forte, let me tell you about solar roof panels! They are also called ‘solar shingles.” They are photo-voltaic cells that are designed to like a normal roof so no one would really know the difference. For example, Tesla is a company that sells them. They are cheaper and more durable (3 times stronger) than the traditional roof. Tesla also gives a lifetime warranty. I don’t know about you but when sometime says lifetime warranty, I know it must be good and true. They also come with battery pack so you can still have power at night time. Not to mention, it saves you money on top of that!! It is worth the investment! I can’t wait until the entire world is cover in solar roof panels!!

Image result for solar roof panelsImage result for solar roof panels teslaImage result for solar roof panels tesla

Below is a video about Tesla’s solar roof tiles! Take a look!

Tesla Is Now Selling These Solar Roof Tiles For Cheaper Than A…

Tesla Is Now Selling These Solar Roof Tiles For Cheaper Than A Regular Roof

Posted by David Wolfe on Saturday, May 13, 2017