What would the world be like without bees? 
My first thought is oh no honey! I love honey but would I die if I didn’t have it? Probably not. What about coffee? Clothes? Bees do a lot more that what we think!
In US over these last 10 years, over 40% of the bee colonies have suffered Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). CCD is caused by the increased usage of pesticides. This is a problem because we won’t survive without bees!
Plants can’t bear fruit unless they have been pollinated. Bees pollinate 70% of the crops that feed 90% of the world! This is about 1/3 of the food you consume.
What kinds of foods are we talking about?
- Apples
- Mangos
- Rambutan
- Kiwi Fruit
- Plums
- Peaches
- Nectarines
- Guava
- Rose Hips
- Pomegranites
- Pears
- Black and Red Currants
- Alfalfa
- Okra
- Strawberries
- Onions
- Cashews
- Cactus
- Prickly Pear
- Apricots
- Allspice
- Avocados
- Passion Fruit
- Lima Beans
- Kidney Beans
- Adzuki Beans
- Green Beans
- Orchid Plants
- Custard Apples
- Cherries
- Celery
- Coffee
- Walnut
- Cotton
- Lychee
- Flax
- Acerola – used in Vitamin C supplements
- Macadamia Nuts
- Sunflower Oil
- Goa beans
- Lemons
- Buckwheat
- Figs
- Fennel
- Limes
- Quince
- Carrots
- Persimmons
- Palm Oil
- Loquat
- Durian
- Cucumber
- Hazelnut
- Cantaloupe
- Tangelos
- Coriander
- Caraway
- Chestnut
- Watermelon
- Star Apples
- Coconut
- Tangerines
- Boysenberries
- Starfruit
- Brazil Nuts
- Beets
- Mustard Seed
- Rapeseed
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
- Brussels Sprouts
- Bok Choy (Chinese Cabbage)
- Congo Beans
- Sword beans
- Chili peppers, red peppers, bell peppers, green peppers
- Papaya
- Safflower
- Sesame
- Eggplant
- Raspberries
- Blackberries
- Clover
- Tamarind
- Cocoa
- Black Eyed Peas
- Vanilla
- Cranberries
- Tomatoes
- Grapes
This list can keep going. Not to mention all the recipes that require these foods!
And it’s not just produce that is at risk here! Were talking about: beef, milk, cheese! We wouldn’t have these either! Bees pollinate alfalfa and guess what? COWS EAT ALFALFA! Think about how much beef you eat? Do you see how these relate?
Farmers would have to convert to growing wheat and corn because they are wind pollinated. Our diets would lack nutrients, there would be health complications and have less diverse foods. Our economy would be effected as well! Crop prices would raise so much that their prices could be equivalent to gold!! I already think fruits and veggie prices are high enough! Even beautiful plants wouldn’t be able to grow without bees! Trees would even be effected! The Earth would be so bare and look like a desert.
Without bees we would have shirking food resources (plants and animals), lack of nutrients, famine, fertility rates would stop…this would eventually lead to extinction! We would BE dead without BEES!
What are the possibly solutions?
Hand pollination, scientist building robotic bees, pollinator drones? These are all being tested but might not be enough.
What can we do?
Plant flowers without pesticides!
Check out this ted talk about bees!
The original passion fruit syrup in Medan is suitable to be used as a basic ingredient in the menu
Medan’s original passion fruit syrup is perfect for a refreshing drink to welcome guests or friends hanging out at home with family. Not only can it be used as a syrup drink, this main ingredient can be processed into any menu variant. Lots of drinks made from passion fruit syrup are good combined with other ingredients such as nata de coco, young coconut, basil and others.
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