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“Oops Cake” Chocolate Brownie Cake Recipe

The wonderful thing about baking is that it is an art. Like with all art there are right ways to do things, less right ways, and there is you forgetting to put water in the microwave macaroni cup (you know who you are if you’re reading this 😛 ). Inevitably we all will make an “oops”, whether it be painting something the wrong color, taking a picture with the wrong exposure, or putting in too much water in with the flaxseed. Needless to say, this recipe involves the later of those.

For some background this accident came from baking egg allergy friendly chocolate chip cookies. My family has a number of random allergies that make baking a challenge and require substituting ingredients. It is quite the adventure and can lead to very interesting tastes and textures, but that is a post for another day! In this recipe, the basic conversion of eggs to flaxseed is 1 egg = 1 tablespoons flaxseed and 3 tablespoons water. Needing 3 eggs worth, that comes to 3 tablespoons flaxseed and 9 tablespoons water, or a touch more than half a cup and where our mistake began.

My mom and I were working together to make a batch of cookies for the family and wanted to try flaxseed as a replacer. While I was reading off the conversion, we added the 3 Tablespoons of water for 1 egg equivalent, forgot to add water for the other 2 egg equivalents, then misread the recipe and accidentally added and extra 1 and 1/2 cups that was mentioned for the next ingredient, quite the “oops”! We noticed the unexpected consistency of the batter and our concern was quite noticeable.

Obviously we couldn’t make individual cookies with this, so we decided on a cookie cake, wondering if they would somehow turn into regular cookies while baking. Needless to say, we didn’t end up with cookies, we ended up with a cakey brownie. Not wanting food to go to waste, we gave it a try and it was actually delicious with a wonderful texture! My younger brother, who is not fond of cakes in general, even liked it and has asked it for almost every birthday since.

As Bob Ross would say, “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.” And thus the Oops Cake was born and became a a go to in my family’s recipe book. Now, I share it with you. Though if you want a wonderful cookie recipe that I always make, feel free to replace the flaxseed and water with 3 eggs (or the actual appropriate conversion of egg replacement)!



  1. Preheat oven to 350F/180C.
  2. In a large bowl cream together the butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar and vanilla.
  3. In another bowl, sift together flour, baking soda and salt.
  4. Gradually beat the flour mixture into the wet mixture and mix together until it forms a crumbly dough.
  5. Simmer the water then mix in flaxseed. Mix flaxseed water into dough while hot.
  6. Add chocolate chips and mix until mostly or completely melted.
  7. Grease 13×9 cake pan then pour batter in.
  8. Bake for 35 minutes. Knife should come out clean
  9. Let sit in pan until cool.

By Ian Berendsen on February 26th, 2021

All media shown are created by Ian Berendsen and are property of Disaga Corp. Entertainment. Use without permission is prohibited.

5 thoughts on ““Oops Cake” Chocolate Brownie Cake Recipe”

  1. Wow I love this blog! I am someone who tries a new recipe at least once a week to teach myself how to cook more, and with all the research I’ve been doing this is a blog I would click on. I think it is well organized with your description, ingredients, and directions.

  2. That cake looks so good, I love brownies, I might have to give this a try! My girlfriend can’t eat gluten so I completely understand the challenges of finding good substitutes when cooking!

  3. First off, I definitely have to try this recipe! I’m usually not a fan of cakes and brownies or things of that nature, maybe I have the same preferences as your brother, but if he liked it, there must be something to it. Brilliant name by the way!

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