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Your Job IS To Get Married And Have Children

By Trevor Valescu | April 9, 2017

Hello everyone, today I’ve come before you to talk about the decline of Western civilization and the replacement of the majority demographic with that of the minority demographic. Now the first thing that comes to your mind might be is, “How is the West in decline, we’re doing just fine and living the life that everyone dreams of haivng access too.” Well that would be true if this was America after the second World War was won and the economy was constantly rising. The rate of births in white Americans has been steadily declining since the 1965 Immigration Act put in place by Lydon B. Johnson not long before the Vietnam War. What this did was introduce an immigration policy that allowed thousands of low skilled workers to flood into the country from impoverished lands and fill up positions that we would normally be working in. Not only that, but they were given billions in tax relief, social security checks, and foods stamps, encouraged to make tons of babies, and begin us down a path of ever increasing welfare status that we find ourselves living in to this day. It’s not wrong to look at this and be scared that you are being replaced by cheap labour forces because in reality that is infact the case. Not only do they act as a cheap labor alternative to the native populace of the country, they are additional free votes for the Democrats and Socialists/Communists that bring them in for this very purpose.
white genocide numbers

It’s a hard reality to come across that you’re not worth the time of your own country because you’d be too much to pay for and feed when all of your hard earned money is being sent to those who’ve been offered a new start only to sit on their hands and feet doing nothing but stuffing their faces and pumping out more children than you could afford in your lifetime due to paying for all thier expenses. Its time to wake up and realize the true role you play in society; to end this madness and return life to the way it once was, three white babies at a time.

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