Tasia is the Starin Hall 2nd floor RA. This is her 5th semester as an RA. She is a fifth year senior with a major in Social Work.

Favorite Sport: Rugby
Favorite Sports team: Packers
Favorite Band: Favorite music would be pop from the 90’s and 00’s
Favorite Dining Hall: Graham Street
Dream job: A professor for women’s studies specifically focused on violence against women
What I see myself doing in five years: I hope to be working at a university in student affairs or as a full time social worker.
Favorite Quote: “I am almost never sure about what I want but I am always sure about what I don’t want.”
Why did you become an RA?: I became an RA because I wanted to meet a variety of people and share my knowledge and experiences with them.
What is your favorite thing about being an RA?: I honestly have several favorites of being an RA, but I’ll only share two. First, is the creativeness I get to bring to the position. That includes bulletin boards, programming ideas, and how I engage my residents. The second, is my staff. They make being an RA worth every minute of it. Without them, I would go even more crazy and I wouldn’t have the friends that I do.
What else are you involved in?: I am on the Dean’s Advisory Council and am currently working for the Association for the Prevention of Family Violence for my social work internship. Plus, I am the Student Development Intern.
Piece of advice for other RA’s: Use this position as a door to other things. Get involved with all and any opportunities that come your way,whether that be an internship, summer RA or SA, training committee, on-going training, etc. There are things you can do to help improve yourself and the department.
Best story so far: The best one is probably going to be from my first semester as an RA when my residents were in the halls being extremely loud! It was around 2am and I had only just fallen asleep when they were shouting and running back and forth in the hall. I jumped out of bed and swung open my door and at the end of the hall there is a resident in his underwear. He just looks at me like a dear in the headlights and I say (with a “mom voice” as they told me later) “Get back to your room now and stay there and be quiet because if I have to open this door again it’s not going to be pretty!”
Thank you, Tasia, for all your great work!