Ashley is the 3rd floor Knilians Ra. She is a senior with a Human Resources Management major. Her fourth semester as an RA is with an all first year female floor!



Favorite Sport: Men’s College Basketball
Favorite Sports team: The Wisconsin Badgers
Favorite Band: The Killers and Ben Folds
Favorite Dining Hall: Erbs and Gerbs
Dream job: Working at Disney World, where dreams come true!
What I see myself doing in five years: I hope to be traveling the world and loving life
Favorite Quote: Life is too short, so live in the moment
Why did you become an RA?: I joined LIT my Sophomore year with Maria Glorioso, and from that point I fell in love with Residence Life
What is your favorite thing about being an RA?: I love problem solving and mentoring my residents
What else are you involved in?: SHRM (Society for Human Resources Management)
Piece of advice for other RA’s: When you become an RA, you never stop learning. May it be your 1st, 2nd or even 3rd year as an RA, there is always something new for you to learn.
Any extra Reslife Involvement?: NRHH
Anything else?: I love CATS!

Thank you, Ashley!