Learn more about the lovely Arey/Fricker ACD, Morgan Somers!

morgan somers

Name: Morgan Somers

Hometown: Franklin, WI

Building that you work in: Arey & Fricker

Favorite Whitewater Location: The Sweet Spot 🙂

All schools attended: I have a BA Degree in Business Management from Alverno College in Milwaukee, WI and I am pursuing a Master’s Degree in K-12 School Counseling here at UW-Whitewater.

Favorite memory as a Pro-Staff member: I love watching my students grow both personally and professionally. Seeing LIT members or Desk Workers become RA’s or hold other leadership roles on campus and excel as leaders brings me so much joy as a supervisor and advisor. Knowing that I helped make a difference in their journey is what keeps me going every day.

Best Advice for Current RAs: Get out of your comfort zone and don’t forget about the “invisible” students on your floor. We tend to focus on the super outgoing residents that attend every program and the residents that require you to write an IR weekly. It’s easy to look past the residents that you don’t see as often or might not be making strong connections on the floor. Do your best to get to know everyone and truly learn their stories.

Best Story: Arey & Fricker have these large carpet circles that are glued to our ceilings. They fall off all the time – and last year a resident wrote us a ransom note where one of the circles used to be and explained what an excellent rug it was making in his room. That was fun conduct afterwards.