Let’s meet Haley Vasarella an RA on 4th floor Bigelow. This is Haley’s 3rd semester as an RA and she is a  Human Health and Performance and my minor is Strength and Conditioning.


Favorite Sport: Soccer!!

Favorite Sports team: UWW Women’s Club Soccer

Favorite Band: Imagine Dragons

Favorite Dining Hall: Drumlin

Dream job: To work for the U.S. Women’s National Team.

What I see myself doing in five years: Graduating from Grad school

Favorite Quote: “Don’t stop believing”

Why did you become an RA?: I really looked up to my RA’s when I was a freshmen and I wanted to make an impact on people’s lives like they did for me.

What is your favorite thing about being an RA?: Interacting with my crazy residents.

What else are you involved in?: Hawk Squad, Club Soccer, Intramurals and Habitat 4 Humanity.

Piece of advice for other RA’s: Use more tape.

Best story so far: Last year my Complex Director was convinced a dog was living on my floor and had me ask around to check and find it….there was no dog.

Any extra Reslife Involvement?: I really loved my experiences on the Tutt-Fischer LIT team and made lifelong friends.