Jameson is an RA on 2nd floor of Tutt, and is a 6th semester RA. His major is Economics with a minor in finance.


Favorite Sport: Football

Sports team: Green Bay Packers

Favorite Band: Timeflies

Favorite Dining Hall: UC – Graham Street

Dream job: Financial Analyst/Statistician for the Green Bay Packers

What I see myself doing in five years: Working at a big company as a Financial Analyst

Favorite Quote: Life is too short to miss out on being really happy

Why did you become an RA?: I loved the relationships my RA’s had with residents and staff members and I wanted to meet and help as many people as I could.

What is your favorite thing about being an RA: Seeing residents from years past and having them tell me I had an impact on their life.

What else are you involved in?: Vice President of Golden Key International Honors Society, Economics Society, Intramural Sports (Football, Volleyball)

Piece of advice for other RA’s: Stick with it and keep trying to impact as many people as possible because you’ll make an impact in time. No matter how down you feel about your job in the first couple semesters, or whenever, just stick with it and you’ll reap the personal benefits later.

Best story so far: Keeping it G-Rated, Sarah Erkfitz and I did a set of social rounds last semester while riding in a wagon (she was in the wagon and I was pulling her).