Faith Salentine is an RA on 4th floor Starin. Faith is a elementary education major with a minor in psychology. This is Faith’s 6th semester as an RA.


Favorite Sport:

My favorite sport to watch is football, but don’t ask me to play because I have no hand-eye coordination! My favorite sport to participate in is running, because it doesn’t require that I catch or throw anything.

Sports team:

Green Bay Packers

Favorite Band:

Brett Eldredge

Favorite Dining Hall:

Grahm Street Cafe

Dream job:

What I see myself doing in five years:

I hopefully see myself in a teaching position and enjoying life to its fullest. Maybe I’ll be in a different country teaching English, or maybe I’ll just be right around the corner in an Elementary school. Who knows, because right now I’m going where the wind takes me and enjoying every moment of it!

Favorite Quote:

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”-e. e. cummings

Why did you become an RA:

I became an RA because I enjoy working with people. This job has so many different opportunities to engage with others in meaningful ways. I love to see other people be successful, and within this job I can help people to do that.

What is your favorite thing about being an RA:

My favorite thing about being an RA is the relationships that I’ve built over the years. I am in my third year in this position, and through that time I have made substantial relationships with residents and staff members. I love when I walk across campus and see many familiar faces that I’ve met through this position.

What else are you involved in?:

I am involved in National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH), Intramural Sports, and am a Warhawk Amassador.

Piece of advice for other RA’s:

My piece of advice for other RA’s is to enjoy the position and all that it encompasses. This position is bursting with many different opportunities that can be taken advantage of. You can come into this job and meet the requirements, and not get anything out of it. Or you can come into it and take advantage of what it can teach you about others and yourself. Don’t waste away time by going through the motions, because you can make a difference in someone else’s life and in your own.

Best story so far:

I could tell many stories of all the experiences I’ve had along the way in this position, but that would take too much time. The best story overall I have so far is just having the relationships with my residents where they feel comfortable enough to come to me with anything. I would have a ton of residents packed into my room just to hang out and talk and laugh the hours away.