Wade Heckendorf is a third semester RA on 9th Floor Wells West. He is a junior and a Business Management major.

Favorite Sport:   Football
Favorite Sports team:  Packers
Favorite Band:  Anything Country
Favorite Dining Hall: Uno’s
Dream job: Working for Disney (Where he just accepted an internship this spring)
What I see myself doing in five years:  Being a manager somewhere
Favorite Quote: If at first you don’t succeed … skydiving is not for you
Why did you become an RA?: My RA’s freshman year where such a positive influence and I had a great first experience here at Whitewater, and I wanted to give that to residents 
What is your favorite thing about being an RA?: Watch residents grow through out the semester / year
What else are you involved in?: NRHH, RHA
Piece of advice for other RA’s:  Get to know your floors on a personal level, it will help them  to trust you more
Best story so far:  Everyday is a good story in the life of an RA