Faith Salentine is a second semester RA in Tutt Hall and is a sophomore majoring in elementary education.  She is also always super bubbly and has a smile on her face.  Here is some reflection on the RA job.  


Tell us about your favorite thing(s) about your job?

One of my favorite things about this job is all the people that I get the chance to meet and interact with. I love being able to walk across campus and see not only my residents, but also many other RAs.

What are somethings about the job that surprised you?

I knew it was going to be a lot of work, but I didn’t anticipate just how much it actually was. Some weeks are crazy busy with RA life and you never know when a resident is going to come to you with a problem, but other weeks aren’t that bad at all.

What are some things you wish you knew going into the position as a RA?

I wish I knew about all the paperwork and little things that goes on behind the scenes. When I got the job and was on the other side of things it really made me appreciate my RAs and how much they really did for me and my floor.

How have your grown through you position so far?

I have grown in my time-management skills immensely through this last semester of being an RA. There is not enough time in my life to procrastinate! I find that being busy with the RA job and other commitments I have it makes me stay on track and get more accomplished.