Cole Scheel just finished his first semester as an RA in Clem hall.  Here are his answers to some of our questions.  

Cole Scheel a second semester RA in the Clem Bigelow Complex

Tell us about your favorite thing(s) about your job?

“I thoroughly enjoy getting to know my residents, and I get excited seeing them succeed or get involved on campus. In addition, the camaraderie I have with my staff is a great way to be supported and encouraged within the Resident Assistant position.”

What are somethings about the job that surprised you?

“Initially, what surprised me most was how crazy my co-workers were. I did not know how I was going to fit in or even work with the insanity I saw the first couple weeks. However, I now consider my staff to be some of my best friends on campus, and I did not expect that to happen after first meeting them.” 

What are some things you wish you knew going into the position as a RA?

“I wish I had known that I could have a roommate as a Resident Assistant and that I would get an additional stipend if I did have a roommate.”

How have your grown through you position so far?

“I’m learning how to let things go. I’m a perfectionist, and I try to do everything to the best of my ability. However, sometimes in the Resident Assistant position you simply have to shrug your shoulders and say, “Good enough.” Otherwise, you will find that you are spending hours upon hours of your time just on floor decorations. Also, it occurs quite frequently where resident issues are in a grey area, and I am still learning that this position is less black and white than I originally thought.”