
Top Fraternities

On the University of Wisconsin Whitewater campus, we have multiple fraternities, national and multicultural. As a student on campus and being in Greek life it has opened my eyes to who serves the community that surrounds them the best. Greek life tends to be a staple at many schools in the southern states as it is an organization you can find a home in and a place to belong. After doing research with the campus as this applies to us as we are all students attending this campus. It can be hard to rank the fraterntiies in order as every fraternity is amazing in their own way.

Rankings from top to bottom:

1st: Delta Chi

2nd: Alpha SIgma Phi

3rd: Phi Delta Theta

4th: Lambda Chi Alpha

5th: Tau Kappa Epsilion

After reviewing the rankings of the survey that has been done it was evident with the list of rankings that is mentioned above. There are over 1500 fraterines that exists with in the Greek community. Greek life is a unity within the organizations. As a Greek community we are all tied together and have am everlasting bond that makes us connected. I am grateful for the organizations that we have on campus, and being able to have amazing bortherhoods that are always there to support our fundraisers, and philanthropies.


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