Video Interviews for story- Blog #7

For my video interviews, it was very difficult trying to find the best credible sources to interview for my specific topic. I was struggling to come up with someone to ask at first.

Once i got out in the field and looked for sources, I found some people who seemed perfect to discuss about my topic. I found some students that were very active users on social media, and knew some things about Cambridge analytics and hackers over the web.

Placing the interviews together into one story was probably the most i struggled with. I used premier pro to place the videos together, i had to use one of the campus computers to do this, but after a couple of hours of learning the software, i was moving smoothly with the project.

I wanted to make sure it sounded great and was succinct. Before this class, i had little to no practice with video editing. Yet, this projects helped me a lot with learning how to piece together a good quality video.

Photography for feature story – Blog #6

For my feature story about whether it is okay for data collecting companies to access our information, I found it very easy capturing my photos for this assignment. At first, I was unsure on what i should capture in my pictures, I did not want multiple pictures of people on their digital devices, i wanted a variety.

I tried to find lots of people on campus who looked engaged into their digital device, because i believe this can be seen as a good photo for my topic. I also found some other students that were on facebook, and i tried to find as much technological devices as i could.

Other than technology pictures, it was difficult for me to find something else to take a picture of, because my topic was kind of difficult for a variety o different images.

Overall i found it very easy trying to capture the different types of images and camera angles. I wanted close range shots along with some long range. I was looking for more variety than repetition.

Capturing these pictures has helped me a lot because i am interested in doing photography work in the near future and i believe that this was a great start to that.

Field Work Experience (Interviews) – Blog #5

My topic for the feature story project is whether it is beneficial for our society to expose our personal information to the governments eye. I directly focussed on Facebook as a whole.

I believe technology has advanced so much lately that we do not know how safe or unsafe the internet really is. After reading about the Cambridge Analytica scandal, I was very interested in figuring out how much privacy we really have on the web. I believe that it is not right that data collecting firms are accusing our information over social media platforms like Facebook.

I will ask my interviewees many questions pertaining whether they think it is okay that companies like Cambridge are accessing our info. Also, I will ask what they think we should do to change this and what would truly be beneficial for our society.

I am unsure on how I will be taking my photograph for this yet, but i know that i will need some people on their digital devices and people on facebook.

The audio and video interviews I will plan out so that i have a different view from each interviewee. I will be avoiding repetition within the interviews.