

It has been four days since we arrived in these parts. Every day has been a new adventure, and, I will personally tell you, each of those excursions have been well worth my time. I love it out here. I adore it, and I can say with full certainty that I will return, I will come back to these grounds so far from my home; it feels almost like it is just yet another home for me at this point. But four days is a long time. I am truly enjoying my time, but, gods, I am exhausted.

Each adventure has been yet another toll on my form. Day one was just getting use to the whole world of bikes again. Not to mention the heat of the desert and the length of the ride itself. The second was coming in hard contact with a solid rock surface. That world was like nothing I had seen before; there was no soil or dirt to speak of. Just huge rocks that looked like rolling hills; they were all sandstone and gave an amazing view of the alien-like world. The third day was a rough tumble down a rocky slope. A cut and a hundred some-odd bruises later I was still having a blast but so entirely sore.

Now to today, the forth day of this most interesting adventure. I am still sore, I am still tired, but I am ready for anything and everything. I am excited for this new adventure. I just wish it wasn’t the last day of such fun.